A pogo-stick, obviously.

Not I. But, that’s a personal physical limitation.

Wow. Comment. Section. Over.

Can you imagine a car company doing something like that today? Circumventing a bad review by just... going to geographical places where that review would most likely to hold the least amount of weight?

Someone just needs to introduce the Emperor to his new plane. Show him a completely empty parking space.

Without the KO’s approval, that would be a constructive change to the contract. The president could be found personally liable for that when the contractor comes back with the bill for the changes.

...we’re not talking about the location of reverse here.

Is there a comment of the day award for a comment that completely misses the point? What would $kaycog even post for that?

“Didn’t you notice that you had one of the nuts left over?”

I’d never thought of it, but a small electric motor to accomplish reverse is an interesting solution. Also probably easier to accomplish than tryingto get a car transmission to work with the bike engine..

I would put a Rocket III in a Triumph Super Seven.

Hmmm. For me it all depends on what I can make work with a car transmission. Car + bike transmission would bug me. The Morgan 3 wheeler does it right.

I don’t even remember how many flights I have done in Hueys and Blackhawks with the doors open with nothing more than a thin lap belt with a simple latch.

FAKE NEWS TORCH! Everbody knows Doctor Who drives a London Police Box not an F40, can’t believe you got hoodwinked like that.

*except for I-95, most roads in Philadelphia or Allentown, the Schuylkill Expressway, parts of the PA Turnpike, US30, US 322, US22 between Harrisburg and State College, almost any road within 50 miles of downtown Pittsburgh...... 

I guess you could say I’m a “Harley Dude”,but I prefer quiet pipes and a full face Arai. Currently, my pipes are the quietest around (because the damn thing is always broken!)

I find it hilarious that in DE I am not required to wear a helmet but if I chose to wear a helmet it has to be DOT approved. Snell doesn’t count


DOT = Department of Transportation? As in the government agency? If it’s run anything like MVD, where it takes them 6.5 hours to do a mandatory license photo, or two years to fill a pot hole. Then no thanks. Trusting my life with government agencies have been lost a very long time ago.

Shoulda got a fuel shark

Dude. They sell these on eBay all day long. They should have just outsourced.