A pogo-stick, obviously.

I think it was George Carlin who commented on the heroism of a dandelion growing through a crack in the pavement. I’m not sure if it is more heroism than basic inevitability. It could be both, of course.

Still think it should be referenced as a “face thong” instead of a “halo”.

Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked.

This whole “attractive Buick” thing is really, really confusing.

Turns out you can actually get these for free with the purchase of any qualifying loaf of bread.

Turns out you can actually get these for free with the purchase of any qualifying loaf of bread.

“Who will defend this murder in court?”

I was thinking it could apply to a whole bunch of corp lawyers and just about every single lobbyist who’s ever handed over a bribe (all of them).

People could just learn how to drive?

It’s a testament to safety standards that this convertible fell seven stories and not only was the driver not killed instantly, but the car looks like it’s simply been in a front end collison. Amazing. I hope the driver is ok.

Before I can agree with you, we would need to establish certain definitions of terms.

If I had to die, being blown to death would pretty much be at the top of my list.

Suspensions are useless. With suspensions the car goes up and down, up and down, up and down... and this is bad, bad, bad! Without suspensions, the car is more stable and grounded to the ground, that being it an Honda is good news.

TL;DR: Rich guy has rich guy problems and solves them in a rich guy way.

Not gonna lie. I don’t get this. The GT3 RS is dedicated to being the absolute fastest on the track. Manuals are no longer the fastest way around a track.

Which is also why it was extremely smart for Tesla’s first (mass produced) car to be a very expensive “luxury” car, so that when they start selling the much cheaper model 3, everyone who can afford one would be more excited about buying a “luxury” brand.

Reminds me of a business teacher I had who said that if McDonald’s tried going upscale by selling really good steaks, they’d still be fighting the image of being McDonald’s.

This is what Lincoln needs, a Stretched Mustang platform cruiser.

i used to detassle corn as a kid in the midwest. google it sometime. horrible, bullshit work in 100 degree heat; had to wake up at 4 am to catch a bus type shit that i’ll use to shame my children when they’re teenagers (back when I was your age...). anyways, it paid damn well, and, one summer, i used a bunch of my

What’s more impressive is they managed to find the only 249 on planet earth that can fire more than 100 rounds without a stoppage.