Queen of the Harpies was Grr!Arrgh! but Joss had to go and be gross

I was very kid ambivalent but my husband wanted them. When we got to a spot where we could feasibly do kids, I found I wasn’t really anti-kid just neutral. Since I knew he’d be a great dad, we went ahead and had one. And now I’m listening to her sing little songs in her room while I finish breakfast. She’s the best! I

I read this over like 4 times and I still don’t know what those words in that order could possibly mean. And then I had to look away because my brain started protectively siezing up because of the overwhelming volume of logical and grammatical inconsistency per word.

I hear you on the breastfeeding thing. I was never able to get good volume from pumping and had a kid that was just terrible at sleep (she’s much, much better now) so I did all the night wakings and the early wake ups for 15 months because I had the boobs and, on balance, it was easier for our family and

That sounds so hard and I think hiding in the bath for a night is a wise couse.

I benefit from white privilege every day - generational wealth, teachers who didn’t assume my mistakes were agression, access, etc. and I have for my entire life. The starkest moment of, “Damn, this is some white privilege,” I’ve had recently was:

Drink water. Poor hydration = poor EWCM.

I know one of the major barriers to voting for a lot of people is physically getting to the polls. Does anyone know any organizations that are working on this part of voter turnout?

That is a beautiful crib...but I really hope the draping is removable because otherwise it’s a suffocation hazard. Depending on how it’s secured it could also be an entrapment and strangulation hazard.

With the caveat that the above case is clearly racism and Islamaphobia: Beyond the hygiene issue, loose and/or absobant materials can be a safety issue because they become heavy when saturated and create a lot of drag, which can quickly fatigue a swimmer or even drag them under. Especially a small or inexperienced

This is a true fact. It will always be the Sears just like Marshall Fields and Comiskey.

I hope someone has made a complaint to the state bar association as well. 

I mean, look at the CNN poll that shows 62% of white men and 53% of white women voted for Trump. More than half of us who voted went out there fully aware that Trump’s state policies would harm anyone who wasn’t a straight white dude and voted for him anyway. Over 50% of us voted to hurt black people. If over half of

That was one of the reasons I used to wear my baby a lot.  It’s harder for people to touch your baby if they are on your chest.  And if they try, it’s a lot easier to swat their hands.

I love babies. My thought process upon seeing a baby is usually, “Awwww! Baby! Want to snuggle!”


More proof that athletic socks and nurse shoes and nothing else looks good on exactly no one. Learn from this and remove your socks when you remove everything else.

Does anyone have a line on swimsuits for larger cup sizes (say, hypothetically, 32f) that you can actually swim in? I’ve found suits that are supportive enough until I try a moderate freestyle. I have a preschooler to chase around the pool, something designed for paddling around and maybe even going off a diving board

At no time have I ever forgot that Tammy Faye Trihard is a real person with real feeling. I just don’t have a problem with her feelings being shown the same regard that she shows the feelings, rights, dignity, and safety of black and brown people.

I solemnly swear that if I am ever in a restaurant with her, I will order a large glass of cranberry or tomato juice, wait until she’s seated, and pour it directly over her head, soaking as much of her hair as possible.

Tangential: my brain initially interpreted her article title, “Fuck Girl Code: I Can Hook Up With Your Ex-Boyfriend if I Want” as “[My personal] Fuckgirl (feminine form of fuckboi) Code: I Can Hook Up With Your Ex-Boyfriend if I Want” instead of the intended, “Fuck [the] ‘Girl Code’: I Can Hook Up With Your