Ah, the Bush/Chaney WMD evidence standard! Classic choice.
Ah, the Bush/Chaney WMD evidence standard! Classic choice.
Except if we think that Obama is *personally* wiretapping the home of a republican presidential candidate. Then baseless accusations are sufficient.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it on perpetuity to people like Tomi: You are not special.
Speak for yourself! A PhD’s worth of knowledge (from a real school, not wherever Gorka got his) regarding international relations and counter-terrorism was pumped straight into my brain via the placenta during gestation. Had I opted to eat my placenta, I’d have Patton’s level of knowledge regarding military strategy,…
How does asking for proof of residency even make sense at all restaurant? If theu hadn’t produced proof of residency, what then? Call ICE on some casual diners who might have been in student visas or Canadian tourists for all he knew? I don’t know much about Huntington Beach, but I’m pretty confident that foreign…
A lot of being happily married is a conscious choice. You have to remind yourself you love them and make the effort to focus on the good stuff they do rather than the crappy stuff.*
Anyone you would want to know about a miscarriage: right away
But they won’t even do that. They don’t want insurance to pay for prenatal care.
Going about my life without interference from idiots is my daily goal. I fail to achieve that goal frequently.
People sometimes make the mistaken assumption that I’m such a leftie because I’m tender hearted and generous. Hell no. I am a cheap, selfish, greedy misanthrope.
Donation made. I’m already a monthly donor, but this election year I also keep an extra little fund for side donations like this. The resistance is going to be a long, hard slog. I appreciate where I can do some good and simultaneously be petty about it to gross old white dude. I’m not a good person, these moments…
I went to that same show. I even paid, and we had a grand time. (Side note: how the hell has Chili not aged?) We bough a mess of neon jelly bracelets that we passed out to other audience members and relived the 80s for a few fun hours.
My pediatrician has told me that night training has far more to do with physical development than day training. Their bladders have to be developed enough to hold and their brains have to be developed enough at the same time. We were told that up until about age 6, there would likely be intermittent periods of night…
Potty training is such a (excuse the pun) crap shoot. Some kids get a sticker chart and are golden, some kids just decide their done one day and that’s it (mine would have wallowed in her own crapulence forever, I’m convinced), some just need a few packs of m&m’s, some succumb to peer pressure, some need a little…
Potty training is really, really confusing. With sleep, as controversial as sleep training is, there is a bunch of pretty settled science about how baby sleep develops and what’s developmentally appropriate at different ages. The same does not exist for potty training.
With our girl, it was all peer pressure. We cloth diapered her for 2.5 years (people who tell you they train earlier in cloth because they can feel the wet are lying liars who lie.) Despite having a potty around for MONTHS that she sat on daily and never once went in, and her showing all the physical signs of being…
Gah, I did forget the most important bit which is: