Queen of the Harpies was Grr!Arrgh! but Joss had to go and be gross

I wasn’t keen on number 2, but was willing to hear husband, who is keen, out on the matter. Until yesterday. Now I’ve made the unilateral decision that there will be no 2, not in this country, and it’ll be a shame to tell husband that if he brings the subject up.

I’m sorry you had that hose of hate water spewed all over you. As for how to break up with family responsibly (ie: in a way that doesn’t leave you feel shittier than you’ll already feel) captain awkward is an excellent resource. She even had a recent letter that might have a good action plan.

I started my day by apologizing to my bi-racial daughter. Then I set up a recurring monthly donation to Planned Parenthood and posted about it on Facebook .

Samsies - timeline, cramps, everything. But all the cramps and bleeding are worth it since it should outlast this presidency.

I was complaining about my IUD to my mom on Sunday as we were walking with my 3 year old daughter. I have a copper and it gives me rotten cramps sometimes (like Sunday). Then I said to her, “But I’m getting [the small person] one when she’s 16, I want to make sure she has something reliable and idiot proof when the

Me too! I have very high hopes for her.

Kim Foxx won the Cook County State’s Attorney for Chicago, the first African American to hold the office. Her win was, in large part, due to the efforts of Black Lives Matter and her agenda is very promising for Chicago’s most failed neighborhoods - shifting the office’s priorities from minor crimes to violent

It flabbergasts me. I see them on my Facebook too and I’m like, “Poor you broseph. Sucks that you don’t have a candidate who gives you a philosophical and literal boner, but I have a little brown girl at home. I’m voting for the immediate physical safely of my child.”

I was thinking about this, I don’t think this will be counted negatively by his base. I bet they see this and think, “Look at this virile son-of-a-bitch. He can lock down a model wife and a playmate girlfriend!”

Thanks. Now I have Dexys Midnight Runners stuck in my head....

We have a cat; we refer to ourselves as her thumb slaves, for she would surely execute our demise if she could only open the food container herself.

*hand up*

Stared for Alice.

People, kids especially, seem to think the response to fear is the always going to be, “Scream and run.” But for some people, the fear response is, “TERMINATE WITHOUT MERCY.”

My favorite is half fermented bezor.

I doubt it. I’m sure the video policies vary from hospital to hospital and I imagine this one allowes it as a rule. From a general risk stand-point, I’d bet the hospital legal team would be less inclined to let a famous person film because if something goes wrong, exascerbate the already giant legal and PR

I’m surprised the hospital allowed it. Our hospital did not allow recording births for liability reasons and made that firmly, but politely, clear on the tour and when we checked in. Photos were okay with them if they were okay with mom (in our case, they were NOT okay with mom) but video was a no-go.

He wouldn’t have even made it to my postpartum haze. I would have leaped up out of that bed and stuffed that phone down his throat with the damn epidural still in my back, probably while screaming, “This is your goddamn child, get the hell over here and hold my hand and pat my head and whatever the hell else I or the

My kid woke up every 3 hours and would only sleep in my arms for 6 months. I would have happily paid 1600 bucks and asked for the snoo snoo snuggy-wuggy-woo-woo without a single ounce of shame or chagrin at 3 months if it would have meant 5 straight hours of not holding a baby.

Kids are the worst!