
A dozen recruits de-committed after seeing his intro YouTube video recorded in portrait mode.

Watching some commentators bend everything into a Barça-Madrid box because that’s literally all the know about Spain is really...pathetic. It’s as if this weren’t a wider problem:

alt headline: “Video replay gets everything I’m about to complain about correct, but it’s a change so I’m upset.”

poking fun at corporate sponsors that not even the most rabid fan base would ever care about = trash talk fail.

Real Madrid fans have a bunch to show for it! Just like when ‘their’ Yankees win. And ‘their’ Cowboys. Poor folks are all upset these days because ‘their’ Lakers aren’t doing well.

when you really want to agree with Billy because RM (and their fans) are boring as shit and ‘Inverting the Pyramid’ really is great...

nah, parking is part of the reason why cities lose so much on stadiums. it’s totally unproductive acreage. The city can very easily ramp up certain routes on game/event days. They don’t need to replicate the entirety of the Chicago transit network to make the experience like Wrigleyville.

I believe I specifically wrote “favorites to win an impressive double.”Have fun arguing a point nobody made.

sure...although often those teams have already won their league or are miles ahead (like Juve!). not level on points. or are up against a minnow in a domestic cup. that ain’t Madrid’s double. they could *very tangibly* win nothing.

Prolly should’ve left this in your Drafts folder for a few weeks. Sure, they’re favorites to win an impressive double. But there’s a non-trivial (20%? 30%?) chance this World’s Best Team might not win anything this year.

No, you’re supposed to read it as “Ronaldo lied about settling a rape accusation w/ money.”

could we get someone who 1) reads more than just Marca or As in English (which are both kinda bad and worse in English), and 2) embeds videos/photos that actually WORK.

I read this happened and was expecting a LOT more to the video. That’s it? And only after Chile complained and sent a video?

Two things can simultaneously be true:

someone in Madrid’s central government is about to launch a new investigation into Messi...just in case. this like gonna be where we get a Madrista balance to Haisley’s Barcelona stuff? Because just halfway decent coverage of the Spanish league without major biases would be too much to ask..................

6-1 win and/or blown 4-0 lead comes down to one play? sure. right. got it.

This is obviously and rightfully criticized for being disgusting homophobia.

seriously, how dare anyone not have a WASPy Anglo-Saxon name?!?!?! It’s almost as if this country were made up of millions of people from thousands of cultures. And that they’re, like, allowed to exist.

“I don’t care if it’s massively improved in terms of getting the call right. I’m going to use this one case in which it maybe perhaps possibly might have gotten it wrong and undermine the entire thing!”