
The worst person I know?

I know Robert Mugabe. At least as well as I know Tucker Carlson.

I know Nicolas Maduro.

I know Bashar al-Assad

And even worse, I know Omar Al-Bashir.

The ethnic cleansing of 300,000 people is a little worse than some loud mouth on a TV channel I don’t watch. Check your rhetoric at the door

He can’t be worse than the left wing nuts that have already announced they're running.

I doubt that.  I don’t doubt that Chief DUI has spent more time in jail than these kids will, though.

Yeah, because if you have any adverse events in your life it gives you free license to lie your ass off about everything, right?

And how many articles on this site (and countless others) have been devoted to smearing Brett Kavanaugh for his past? It was / is valid criticism of Kavanaugh, as criticism of Phillips for his past is.

Actually even the CDC found that defensive gun use happens far more than you think:

Good god lol you sound like one of the dumbest fuc*ing people I have ever seen. Biggest cry baby ever lol. All you typed out was a bunch of crying and sobbing. Lay off the acid and shrooms lol

New to Root? I’ll save you some time; all wypo’s are racists devils, it’s never a black person’s fault, black people can’t be racist, white envy, victimization, more racist barbs towards whites (and a growing hatred of latinos), slavery hasn’t ended, black people having no earthly idea of the names of their ancestors

Yeah, those white people, hiding behind walls and making police officers actually fear for their life enough to not charge in after them. Then obeying commands while surrendering and not fighting during it.

Better than the far-left lib open border smart wall, which has USB ports so illegals can charge their phones before they walk through the open border door straight into my daughters’ rooms

Every day, with every post, Splinter proves that “progressive” libtardism is a mental disorder.

Keep up your leftist circular firing squad, though.  It’s hilarious entertainment and will help Trump get re-elected.

orourke is just hillary on a skateboard without the horrible personality

How do the same people who constantly bitch about children being tried as adults justify advocating doxxing and threatening violence up to and including death threats, (in your own comment section no less), against an admittedly smart-ass catholic brainwashed child? Damon, would you feel differently if this was your

Wait a minute the gay person is condeming his fellow student for defending gay peoples right as the hebrew israelites were clearly shouting homophobic slurs at the kids. so he would have prefered them to agree with the hebrews that being gay is a sin and that they shouldnt have rights? rather than drowning out their

Thankfully you live in a country where you can express those opinions without going to jail. It’s not a symbol of white supremacy, that’s what everyone on the left says to console themselves after they realized they didn’t have the base to defeat Donald Trump in an election.  Stop being racist.

I don’t trust the opinion of someone who sucks cock.

Jesus H. Christ! Doesn’t the guy in the pic to this article just look like he loves to take a huge dick up his ass?

Random kid from different school condemns kids from Covington without knowing any of them, ever having attended the school. Great reporting Splinter!

It must be terrible for you. Walking down a sidewalk and there’s a pole or a signpost and boom! Completely blocked. Unable to get past it. So there you stand, chanting at the pole, calling city hall to complain about this obstacle. Putting up a video showing the pole mocking you by not recognizing your right to the