
One retarded Dem did.

Just deny the truth dummy.

So did most black mamas.

You dopes wanted a closeted Meth Head in the office.

You are.

Your doctor dad must hate your cuckitude.

Obama did shitty.

Still hotter than Monique and uggos like her.


Negroes hate Jews not so secretly.

She would know.

Man, I remember back in the day when Savage would encourage orgies and rimming if it as raining Ebola and AIDS. You've changed.

1940s Jews were not the biggest fans of homosexuals either.

SPLC is conning people.

I assume Roth does not ogle his aunt's boobs on the show.

The same goes for the neurotic Jews/neurotic anti-Trumpers.

They are a billion times hotter than Wallace Jr.

Nazis hate him for being pro Jewish.

Blame China.

You lost, loser. Go kiss Biden.