
Mooch had a good transition.

Cdwag is busy at his Furry Convention.

Crockshit, you are whiter than James Earl Ray.

So all Dems are for Open Door borders and trannies.

Get over losing.

Shitlibs like you think PRs government is swell.

Blacks are native too, dumbass.

Blame Trump for your 1 inch dick.

A retarded baboon is smarter than you.

Purge dumb assholes like you.

Trump got more black votes than Romney. Suck it.

Enlist fucknut.

Now you dopes supported the Vietnam War?

You basically are a fascist.

You wanted Bill as First Husband.

Hey dumbshit. The South supported the Allies more than the North did.

Your great great grandad would call you a homo cuck.

So your people made less bank from the deal. So what?

Can you see this? Please reply.

Your wife's family probably go a lot of rum from it at least.