
DEMS are the libtard cowards.

Biden is Kunte Kinte.

Root loves mental illness. Its woke now.

What I did was not be a gross pansy 


Why would anyone go inside the Wicker Corral of Death?

POS POCs like you are the criminals.

Bullying 14 year olds is all you are good at.


You farked up, black supremicists.

You whiny bitches were crying about WW3. Wrong again.

Libtards root for the enemy like always

Go back to your shithole.

You libtard terrorists have been making threats for four years.

Thats a man, baby.

Do not expect Roottards to answer.

Kap and AOC are retarded though.

Your bf lets you wear his diaper.

Scaremonger more please.

He isn't a Democrat, sorry.