
How is a caricature of a stereotypical Native American a tribute to Indian tribes? Do you know any Indians with skin that color? See also:

The counterpoint to that is that what you notice isn’t the whole world.

It’s an offensive caricature of a Native American, complete with stereotypical red skin and oversized nose. See also:

Let’s run with the equivalence you’ve created and not even question it.

You didn’t have to read it, you know. Just because you’re upset doesn’t mean she’s wrong. This is the perfect time to ditch Chief Wahoo. Your comment below about whether or not she knows any Native Americans personally shows the rest of us just who you are, whether you support the removal of Wahoo or not.

Just so it’s out there typing the letters “SJW” make you look like an asshole in addition to an obvious insecure baby boy.

no, the term “SJW” was invented as a weak retort by assholes in a pathetic attempt to defend the indefensible.

Nah, it was invented because people who either don’t understand or don’t give a crap about considering the concerns of marginalized people needed something to shout into the void.


This logo represents more than the team - it represents the city of Cleveland

Her lawyer looks like he slept in the back of a Chinese nail salon last night.

What the fuck are you bitching about? This is amazing and a very fitting mascot for a double A ball club located in the great state of Florida.

That’s interesting. All the city parking people I’ve dealt with here in Los Angeles have been quite nice and generally helpful. 

Have you considered parking legally?

Do you think garbagemen want to pick up garbage?

Right. It won’t be nerds that know all the stats and obscure players. Not at all. That will be all the cool dudes. You, for instance.

I do have an explanation, and it’s racist to assume that a skinny kid in the middle of the street wearing a cross country uniform is trying to steal your wife and her purse. That is a perfectly reasonable conclusion to come to. You can’t even come up with another conclusion.

“I’d rather die on my feet, than live sitting in my car.” - Emiliano Zapata, probably

Not to mention that no one said “your ground” was just under you. It could be under that kid over there and moving as he moves.

Look, how are you going to stand your ground if you’re sitting in a car?