I know - as if you have to be CURRENTLY in the Cabinet to commit perjury at your hearing to be confirmed in the Cabinet?
I know - as if you have to be CURRENTLY in the Cabinet to commit perjury at your hearing to be confirmed in the Cabinet?
I haven’t been this pissed off since 9/11. This cannot be washed away as an error. Sessions has a big “guilty” sign hanging around his neck.
“Yeah, but have you considered that he sounded nice, and he publicly thanked a war widow used the widow of a soldier whose blood is on his hands to score political points and distract from the speech’s terrifying message?
The Obama blame really infuriates me. Although he could have, Obama did not launch the mission, because there were too many unknowns. Trump comes into office, sees the opportunity to seem “strong” and against the advice of experts, launches it. The terrorist leader they were trying to capture escapes, no information…
It was political at her EXPENSE. It was exclusively done to gloss over the fact that Trump was personally responsible for her husband’s death and to suggest that he died doing some noble duty instead of a catastrophe of a mission that shouldn’t have been approved in the first place. He exploited her for PR and the…
This is the definition of the Trump presidency in regards to every form of enforcement.
I just don’t know how this ever gets fixed.
Maybe it’s not a big deal that some irrelevant conservative writers are cheering for the destruction of an institution that they feel doesn’t represent them.
The DOJ’s about face is absolutely terrifying (and with all due respect, probably should be covered on its own). This was a six year investigation that Sessions just crippled with a wave of his hand. Without the claim that lawmakers knew exactly what the hell they were doing when they passed the law, they’ll “iron…
I am no fan of Dubya, but I will say that it is possible he has gained some insight in the 9 years since he left office. I don’t want to give him too much credit or make it seem like I’m defending his actions as president, but I will say that hindsight is powerful, and it’s possible that he has some regrets about how…
“I consider the media to be indispensable to democracy. We needed the media to hold people like me to account,” Bush said. “Power can be very addictive and it can be corrosive, and it’s important for the media to call to account people who abuse their power.”
We don’t really live in a age where a trans person is the victim of a random act of violence.
More than likely because it’s an unwritten rule to just RESPECT THE DEAD. Unless you have a celebrity grave site where grave robbers would be an issue, other regular places are just a gloomy parks.
The press - especially the broadcast media - really needs to stand up as one on this and refuse to attend *any* press briefing or Trump event until these bans are revoked.
I watched this in real time. He acted like the question was a total curveball and was beside the point. No, Sir. It IS the point.
Let’s not forget that the entire Sweden Terrorist Attack Incident 2017 started with Tucker Carlson interviewing an Islamophobic film maker who took two Swedish cops’ words entirely out of context to make it look like Sweden was being overrun by terrorists.
Their base has taken a 180 degree turn on free trade and letting the market decide - what used to be conservative ideals. Now Republican voters want protectionism, tariffs, and a continuation of government healthcare in some form. Republics in congress don’t know what to do or what direction to go in, so they are…
because she started ot as the sweet as pie disney star, then was the super sexy girl all their bfs/husbands lusted after her, so the moment her addiction and mental health issues surfaced rather than show any form of human decency for a very troubled girl they decided instead to take great glee in ripping her to…
He knows how he comes off, but he believes that *most* people are far beneath his own intellectual, physical and emotional capabilities. He believes he has a superior read on things. And in his world view, being what *we* call “douchtastic,” is a good thing because he equates our view of him that way as indicating…