
These people are so damn worried about ISIS radicalizing young muslims and refugees here in the States that they’re completely ignoring the radicalization of young white men on Reddit. This is the true inside job the conspiracy nuts want. It’s really fucking brutal not living in ignorance in 2016.

That’s how many votes Clinton leads Trump by and it continues to grow.

a company, town, university, student union or country

Just like how the “identity politics” that “lost” Hillary the election means “politics about anyone other than white men” and ignores the whole “white identity politics” that Trump rode to the White House.

“You can’t know that! You aren’t even from there!”

She’s “biased” because she literally lived under the abuse of the Soviet regime and the people that ran that regime are currently running the country now.

“Most” is not “all” and the veracity of an event is not predicated upon how cleanly it confirms your bias.

I’m sure all that cab driver needed was to be heard and then, maybe, given a hug after he let out all the hate that he’s been holding on to for all this time. And really, isn’t this whole ordeal actually her fault for being so self-evidently Othered in his presence? She’s out here winning elections and taking offices

Yup. I’ve been saying it for years, Democrats need to stop being so naive and passive and stop trying to be “bipartisan”. Politics is dirty and if you can’t accept that, don’t be a fucking politician. Republicans don’t give a shit about bipartisanship, when they control Congress or the Senate they bulldoze through

Bingo. It’s like when my parents, upon me telling them that I was being bullied in middle school, said “Smile and ignore them, and they’ll stop!”

I’ve said this through the entire election. Democrats/liberals insist on fighting by Marquis of Queensbury rules against an opponent who is eye gouging, kicking us in the nuts, and using brass knux. I don’t care if she’d have been called a “bitch” for it, Hillary should have demolished him in the debates the first

YES. This is one of my biggest problems with democrats—they don’t fight back. They don’t want to play dirty. And so they get ran over time and again. This is not the time to “give Trump a chance” this is a time to listen to what Trump told us he believes and believe him.

I think this is dragging on and we largely agree on many points, but I just have to ask - how the hell do you propose having a “discussion” on Pizzagate? Democrats did not invent Pizzagate. Pizzagate is not real. This has been made VERY clear in nearly every single legitimate media outlet. What “conversation” you

And this is probably why Trump won - because of the entrenched racist narrative that allows someone to write off a popular, inspiring, intelligent, hard-working candidate as nothing more than an affirmative action hire. “Period.”

I would argue the video of the cops rolling up on 12 year old Tamir rice and shooting him within seconds of arriving was as egregious if not more. Sadly, there will never be an image clear enough. Never a case solid enough when the victim is black and male.

pretty much. We’re trying so hard to protect the peaceful transition of power and the legitimacy of fair and free elections despite all of the voter suppression that’s gone on... what’s the point?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we’re already having a Constitutional crisis. We have a Senate that has refused to act on a Supreme Court vacancy, we have a president-elect who may or may not have won the election fair-and-square, but most definitely lost the popular vote by at least 2.5 million votes, and

I don’t see how this ends well in a Court in which John Roberts is chief justice and a man like Samuel Alito even exists at all. Kennedy is a coward, and Thomas is a tool, and who knows what an aging and increasingly curiously petulant Stephen Breyer is going to do?

Taiwan papers reported that he called her, which was the initial cause of it getting out before shit hit the fan.

I don’t think anyone is suggesting he made the decision. he was just too stupid to know that foreign leaders ask new presidents all sorts of stuff to feel out how things will be. For example when he spoke to the Pakistani prime minister the Pakistani government invited him to visit and he said that sounded great. Cue