
Speaking as someone who loves that particular body part and that particular term for it, please don’t sully cunts by associating this woman with them. Maybe “appendix”? Useless, diseased, and better off removed entirely?

Why does that even matter?

Man, if only democrats or a Democratic president had tried to help retain them if they lost their jobs to trade deals, help their kids have more/cheaper access to education, put them to work repairing America’s infrastructure, or entice companies to bring jobs back to America.

It’s infuriating.

Don’t argue about why she lost.

Please don’t speak for me as having “conceded my liberalism” or state it as a truism that this is a “centrist” party. I’m a fucking radical in many ways and I voted for Hillary because I can think both in terms of how my ideal world would be structured and how the actual world works now and was proud to support

Holy crap, I knew Sanders would have some baggage, but damn that is a massive pile of potential dirt. They would have had a field day with that - most of the stuff isn’t explainable in a sentence or two, therefore the general population would do their normal thing and just trust the headline.

The “socialist” thing

CNN’s exit polls state it clarly: the majority of Trump voters made up their minds in the last two weeks of the election. Which means Comey’s emails made a huge dent and, as Obama said, Hillary did not have a good enough ground game. If half those people had met her face-to-face, the email shit wouldn’t have bothered

Trump Supporters: “Calling us names isn’t how you win people to your side, you libtard, cuck, safe-space-needing, SJW, pussy crybaby bitch.”

Except most analyses show that black votes were not down across the board , as one might expect with a lack of enthusiasm. The largest dips occurred in states that actively too steps to spread the vote after the in validation of the VRA. It had little to do with a lack of enthusiasm and more to do with supressing

Abortions have been legal in the US for 40 years, yet pro-lifers still protest it daily. At the same time, these people want us to stop protesting a fucking election less than a week after it’s happened. Fuck this bullshit, they can handle us protesting this man and his actions and everyone who voted for him for at

He started his campaign by coming down an elevator and otherizing an entire group of people as rapists and other assorted criminals. It’s too late, it’s too late. He couldn’t put that hate-genie back in the bottle if he wanted to...and he’s doesn’t, because le lacks the most basic level of empathy present in most

I saw this elsewhere and I thought it was a good point, and wanted to paraphrase and expand.

Yeah, it would help if immediately before this he didn’t gaslight everyone experiencing hate crimes, and suggest that it wasn’t actually happening and that it’s all a trick by the media.

Hey, if Donald Trump is willingly to suggest that maybe his follows should think about cutting back in all the violent racist attacks while at the same time pretending they’re not actually happening, that’s good enough for me!

Oh, this week’s Alt-Right Rampage brings back memories:

I dismissed the following reply from “JSC”:

No fucking one needs to “just imagine.”

This is what I thought they were for- for anyone who wanted to wear one (never heard it as a white-only thing), just to acknowledge each other as a kind of “yes I see you and feel the same way / we are in this together” thing.

I’ll treat President Trump with the same respect the Republicans treated President Obama and their willingness to unify. How’s that for fair?