
Remember how people were objecting to this guy personally pushing Carl’s Jr.’s sexist and objectifying ads, and people responding by saying that they were making too big a deal out of a silly little ad? And remember how people were objecting of Robin Thicke’s sexist and objectifying “Blurred Lines” song and video, and

The responsibility argument is total bullshit because they think “being responsible” means leading the “right” kind of life, while we know that being responsible means accepting a duty to care for the needs of other people in your life. When you decide to have sex, you accept the responsibility to be good to your

Their comment was simplistic, to be sure, but the fact that the alt right grew out of white male geek culture and the “game-ification” of harassment online, most notably with Gamergate, is basically ignored by both the media, which does not give a single shit about real nerd culture, and nerds themselves. We have a

And yet, even so, 50 educated and experienced people who were entrusted by their constituents to act in the best interest of their state and their country decided they had to vote for this repugnant idea because party and because money.

Her point about holding out on the Supreme Court for a compromise pick is very important. In the face of Republican opposition, the Democratic Party made an obvious compromise pick with Merrick Garland. They don’t get to shit all over that, pretend a bullshit squeaker of an election means America agrees with their

It’s kind of weird how you’re angry about refugees getting basic help the American government refuses to provide for its own citizens and responding by saying nobody should get help rather than arguing for the American government to extend its resources to its own citizens. Why fight for scraps with people who’ve had

We need a unified and committed opposition to Donald Trump more than we need a broad based mild opposition to half his policies, and we can’t throw anyone’s rights under the bus. The opposition needs to protect everyone who is threatened. It’s not like women in these groups are personally banned from showing up and

Are you fucking kidding me. I’m so fucking sick of Republicans using hostages-taking political strategies and winning because they’d happily let institutions, programs, and apparently people(!) die if they don’t get their way.

Masculinity and machismo is not the same as being a man. Being a liberal man often involves the realization that you can still be a “real man” outside of the incredibly narrow emotional and behavioral constraints of our culture’s idea of masculinity.

That sounds like some bubble talk to me!

You’re really hung up on this idea that sexual assault is exactly equivalent to physical assault and harassment. It isn’t. The impact is different, the way it’s often disguised as accidents and games rather than overt domination is different, the emotional reactions of the victim and onlookers and hell, even the

The police here are even more shit at handling rape investigations, the justice system takes forever even without lawyers stalling, character assassination and victim blaming are accepted and effective defense techniques, and the chance of conviction is quite low. Many people make a rational decision not to press

Also on the abuse angle, I saw a good comment about how the “this is why Trump won” comment directed at those calling out racism or protesting Trump mirrors the “you make me do this” attitude common in abusive relationships.

I could also argue that the ironic anti Semitism of, say, South Park and the ironic racism and sexism of Internet forums gave rise to the real resurgence of racism, sexism, and especially anti semitism we see today, especially among young people with the “alt-right”.

... that is so fucking stupid. They couldn’t convince people Donald Trump would be bad for this country, they’re not going to be able to convince people that Republicans are actually hurting the country by treating it as self evident.

It’s not about different information sources, it’s about how the media portrays the race. If they treated it as a boring job interview process to see who has the best qualifications and well developed plans, people might vote for the boring but practical candidate. Instead, because they’re driven by money concerns,

No, she wasn’t the best candidate for this ridiculous election circus we have in this country. She was just the best person for the real job of being President, and it would be nice if that was important to the media and, by extension, the people of this country.

They are protesting to demonstrate opposition to his agenda. The majority of voters opposed the radical changes in policy Donald proposed. He does not have a mandate to enact all those changes and demonstrating the people’s strong opposition publicly is important to drive that point home and encourage the opposition

I’ve never understood people who complain that a leader in a democracy changes their view to reflect the view of the people of the country. We know Hillary is responsive to public pressure, we know that Bernie Sanders campaign and the support it received caused her to incorporate many of his ideas into her platform

I think the disconnect is between two different evaluations of a candidate, one valuing their capability to do the job of President, and one valuing their capability in getting elected to be President. The people who pushed Hillary knew what it takes to be president and knew that Hillary was eminently qualified for