
Well, looking at the field of actual options... there’s a really interesting possibility. We’ve seen the way that Bernie Sanders is right on so many of the same issues that Elizabeth Warren is. He is the first Progressive candidate (actually running) that we’ve had in DECADES. I’ve read it in a few articles, and

Does this have a cult following already? If so I’m not aware of it.

No, they don’t live in a world of zombie movies. There is no Night of the Living Dead, no Return of the Living Dead, no 28 days later, no zombie comics, no Resident Evil, no other zombie video games. Hence why no one ever says the world zombie... each region probably creates their own slang for them because zombie

Wash your balls?

Hmm I wonder what they were thinking...

We all know the story of Rick Grimes, waking up a few weeks after the walker apocalypse (no zombies here!) So far in The Walking Dead, we’re a good three years post shit storm.

Personally, I can’t wait for the next spin-off, “Look Who’s Walking Dead Now”...

The book was bad enough - but that movie - the scene with the field of blood still haunts me!!!!