Seth Carlson

1997 was *a* low point for Mortal Kombat, but it wasn't *the* low point. That would be the aforementioned Jax spinoff Mortal Kombat: Special Forces, genuinely one of the worst games ever made. It somehow managed to be even worse than Mythologies, despite having several years to correct the mistakes made on it.

Yeah, it was this and Battlefield Earth that introduced me to the concept of genuinely disliking a movie.

Even if I didn't think his shtick was funny it's still distressing to discover that someone like that was able to get into (or at least adjacent to) a group of people who prided themselves on providing a safe, happy place for everyone.

I feel like someone applied that old curse "may you live in interesting times" to the extended McElroy fandom.

I'm not a fan of Imagine Dragons, Bastille, or whoever USS is, but…Limp Bizkit was EXTREMELY worse than any of them. Fred Durst never wrote a song with the tiniest amount of listenability. Are they the worst band ever? Probably not, but they embodied the worst, most brainless, most clueless, most tuneless, most

The omnipresent nature of Mmmbop in 1997 was the worst thing that could've happened to it. It's a damn fine pop song on its own, when it's not being played 24/7.

Yeah, what is with the lumping in of Squirrel Nut Zippers with all that other garbage? They were perfectly fine.

Aaron Carter's admittedly an easy target to poke fun at but no snark here. Good for him. It takes a lot of courage to come out as bi, since a lot of both straight and queer people often dismiss them or pretend like they don't exist.

Get fucked, TERF trash.

For the record, I've calmed down a bit, and wanted to apologize for being as aggressive as I was. I don't actually believe that y'all are as bad as people on the right, I let my anger get the best of me. It's just deeply, deeply frustrating to come onto a website that generally has good, friendly discussion (as long

Dang, you got me pegged. I'm so immature for not wanting to deal with lowkey (and in some cases high-key) queerphobia on a website I frequent.

I think it has to help because otherwise, why even look at historical portrayals of (insert marginalized group here) otherwise? How do you engage with something like Birth of a Nation without its depiction of race and race relations?

Definitely. But I assume they brought up Pat because Jill Soloway (who are themselves non-binary) saw Pat as non-binary (whether that's a correct reading or not) and there aren't really many other representations of non-binary people in mainstream media that I know of.

I've engaged several other people in this thread respectfully. You're the only one who insists on being a dipshit edgelord.

I mean in your case it's because you are and you've given no evidence to the contrary.

I mean, I'm open to any explanations on how mocking someone in a marginalized group for looking at a piece of media AS someone in a marginalized group and finding it hurtful on that front does NOT make you a smug asshole.

Jill Soloway identifies as non-binary. Why do you think it's "for the sake of self-promotion?" Why is the automatic assumption that she's somehow not being honest?

That's fine! Just know that it makes you a bad person.

That's not what I said and you know it. All I'm saying is that people shouldn't fucking belittle Jill Soloway for being offended by an SNL character. You would agree that there's quite a bit of mockery and belittling going on here, no?

Projection vs. intent only means so much. If someone was hurt by a thing, then they were hurt by it, regardless of intent, and it's not on you to talk down to them and say they're stupid for being hurt by it, ESPECIALLY if you're looking at it from the outside. You can try to engage them on it, but the vast majority