Seth Carlson

It still seems mildly deranged for a site to openly hype up a band's new release to the point of using their picture on the homepage while simultaneously reporting on its lead singer being accused of sexual abuse by multiple people.

The AV Club has no time for that "ethics" nonsense you're speaking of.

A fucking stroke at 41. Jesus.

It really frustrates me that people don't seem to get that just because we criticize a thing for having ~problematic~ elements doesn't automatically mean we hate the thing.

Yeah, a lot of this list just makes me go like "have you been paying attention to ANY of the game"

Also Iwai fucking rules and Mishima is an unlovable little creep. This list is NONSENSE.

Kawakami is an interesting, sad character, but when she texts me with stuff like "I'm burning with desire, master!" when she wants me to call her, my skeleton leaps out of my body and flees the room. So much of that Confidant storyline is so creepy.

A single quote from the subject doesn't seem like much of an interview.

Not at all!

I was really excited that they'd expanded Evoland 2 into a full 20-hour game, but man did I hate playing it. The endless succession of terrible minigames did me in after about 5 or 6 hours.

I understood this reference.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you're a straight white dude.

I don't really feel a need to be civil with someone who keeps insisting on talking down to everyone in the thread and saying that no, actually WE'RE the bad ones for being offended, when you haven't even seen the scenes in question. Do you have any clue how arrogant that is?

When practically the only queer presence in a game is a negative one, that DOES send a message about how they view queer people, whether they intend it that way or not. It's a game with cartoon characters, but it does take place in the "real world," with characters that could conceivably exist, minus the supernatural

I'm not "demanding" anything. I'm asking that I be treated with a minimum of respect by the media I consume. P5 not including a same-sex romance route is one thing, but the game actively depicts gay men as creepy, predatory pedophiles. Am I really not allowed to be upset that the game is blatantly insulting me? Before

You literally said earlier that you haven't seen the scenes that people were upset about so you can shove it, dude.

"extreme minority lifestyle" and there it is. you could've just saved us and yourself a lot of time by just saying "i don't like gay people" from the outset.

Again, we're not asking for "full inclusion"—just inclusion *at all*. I really, really don't understand why straight people have such a hard time understanding this.

literally nobody is saying this dipshit

That's definitely what people here are saying, you witless racist fuck. Go back to whining about immigrants on whatever alt right shithole you slithered out of.