
Will you be bringing any small affordable cars? Maybe a small sports cars around 30 to 35K?

Well they sure get paid a lot more than a Doctor in Cuba. $20 a month (400 pesos).

I've always had this question but no answer. If i live in Miami, Fl. Can my kid go in the front seat on a car seat if my car is a 2 seater? He is 4.5 Years old but i really dont know what are the regulations? Does he even have to have a child seat in the back at that age?

I'm Cuban, and the problem isn't because of the Americans, that's what the Cuban government has made it seem. Its them. The embargo is there because Cuba wants it there, so they can blame U.S. for everything that goes wrong in the country. The U.S. wouldn't have a problem removing it, all Cuba gotta do is ask, and

Man, i hate how people hate on the tC. I think is a fine car, it looks pretty good, and its affordable(and well equipped). Yes, its wrong wheel drive, but who cares? People have diferent tastes

Its definetly a Mitsubishi Mirage, Base trim. I owned one, It was a coupe but i knew very well the others.

I came across this little car on the road, and i was amazed at how awesome it sounds. It was incredible. Its too bad its so small and the styling looks eh... But yea, epic parking fail!