Of some relevance to the first letter, having come across this:
Of some relevance to the first letter, having come across this:
Y’all are just jealous
Cocaine, and all the insanity it inspired once artists in Hollywood and elsewhere got their hands on it. But in all honesty the 80's is frankly not a decade to be remembered for any particular style beyond excess, which is pretty much the only reason it’s looked at with rose-tinted sunglasses since most people see its…
This is comically racist bullshit. Like something you’d expect to see on television.
So a couple things. First, wow, the specificity here. Telling him to get down on all fours because he’s vermin?!?! This is not something that comes to you in the heat of the moment. This is shit you have to ruminate on.
I may be wrong, but isn’t the exact quote “between his 12th and FINAL incarnation?” If so, they have INFINITE wiggle room. (“Infinite Wiggle Room” is also the name of my proposed all-dance-themed Doctor Who.)
Perhaps they simply never developed the technology and anti-rejection drugs necessary for transplants? We already know that the Republic didn’t have ob-gyns, so obviously their medical science has not progressed uniformly in all areas.
Yes. He was protesting respectfully, and then went out of his way to find an even more respectful way to protest. He was very classy about the whole thing. I think that’s one of the reasons so many people are confused and don’t know how to properly react, so they just go with ignorant hatred. It’s a very popular…
“It’s not that he’s protesting, it’s just the WAY he’s protesting”
And yet, somehow, there is a not insignificant number of people who think Kaep is profiting from the stance he took, that he is only protesting for publicity*.
I literally do not understand what you’re trying to say here.
And the winner, in a surprise upset coming all the way from behind, is the “get over it you lost” post!
This uh, this isn’t a car website. You are welcome to return to www.jalopnik.com if that’s what you’re looking for. This is Foxtrot Alpha.
I remember when REAGAN had back channels with IRAN when he was running for president.
I wonder who shows up first:
Hey, don’t worry about it, FEMA’s director will handle whatever disasters an event like this will cause. Right?
10:07 AM
Ever transactional...
Where I live, at least, my delivery options are “pizza” or “different pizza.” So I use a third party delivery services a fair amount.