
“You know, medicine is not an exact science, but we are learning all the time. Why, just fifty years ago, they thought a disease like your daughter’s was caused by demonic possession or witchcraft. But nowadays we know that Isabelle is suffering from an imbalance of bodily humors, perhaps caused by a toad or a small

You get our spirits up with news of a Wonder Woman sequel, then have to ruin the moment by telling us that there is also a Suicide Squad sequel.

Daily reminder.

“The president’s been very clear with me that Russia is an important global player,”

I think I just made a bootleg DVD cover .....

Boy, good thing so many idiots in this country trust corporations over unions and the government. They sure have our best interests in mind.

Well, we of the law know that all “suspects” are just criminals who haven’t been convicted by a namby-pamby court. Right? For those of the alt-right, this is what’s known as sarcasm, boys. food and shelter, y’know like those legendary and rarely sighted Welfare Queens his mindset speak about with righteous indignation.

Yeah, but his “Game of Thrones” fanfic is amazing (and wildly homoerotic).

The laws originally allowed for much easier arrests for incitement, and were often used to go after leftists and minorities, because until 1969, the Supreme Court’s caselaw said that it was against the first Amendment to advocate for unlawful behavior (meaning you could constitutionally be arrested for advocating for

It is, and Speaker Paul Ryan should bar him from his seat tomorrow. But Paul Ryan (pictured below) will do nothing to this heinous man.

Is Stormtrooper driving Zamboni?

hmmm....In Trump presidency, stress age you!

Ah, blaming “political correctness” for his troubles. My 12 year-old asked what does “politically correct” mean and I explained that it means people want to say racist, sexist, homophobic things at not have anyone call them an asshole for doing it.

If it wasn’t so sad, it would have been very funny.

Record the tri-tone disconnect tones and put them in your voicemail box opening before your voice - you only need the tones. All auto dialers are designed to detect them to keep from wasting the system’s time on disconnected numbers.

I hate those because they are starting to spoof local phone numbers. They must have deep pockets to keep the police off their tails.