
It’s probably not fair to say Floyd Mayweather wouldn’t have a chance in an actual fight. He is still a world-class boxer -even if he is slightly washed-up at this point, his hand skills (and speed, and maybe power) are going to be substantially better than even most of the top tier of UFC fighters, despite what I

It is probably going to be rough - McGregor is used to using much different techniques, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see him break some boxing rules once the fight is going and he’s been popped a few times. Mayweather would likely be way outmatched for the same reason if they were using more permissive UFC or maybe

Didn’t she make less money for a very successful and critically acclaimed film than the guy that directed BvS?

What’s really silly is that he probably could have gone ahead to school and become a legitimate agent who’d have had immediate personal connections to collegiate and pro players and a wealthy acquaintance who could have helped him with networking if he were less of a massive prick prone to self-immolation on Facebook

This is one of those moments where you get to practice some of those free-market principles we’re always hearing about. Time to exercise a bit of rugged individualism and get your own tech news!

I love the people wanting to argue with Canadians about how terrible their system is and why we (Americans) should fear it while our costs and quality of/access to care continue to drop.

This is one of those situations where someone is totally justified if they just need a beer in the moment, though. Guy gets literally run down by a bus and is nearly unscathed?

Man, I’m not even into Death Note, and that Death Note adaptation looks like it’s going to be a sticky mess. It’s like everyone on it saw Jared Leto’s pre-release Suicide Squad activity, and thought he really should have tried to be edgier.

“He made a mistake” is assigning blame, and absolves the officer of his responsibility for the death of this man.

I bet he really misses pizza and pancakes.

It would be an outrageous weapon if it flew directly - the recoil from something capable of piercing even late-Cold War tank armor with kinetic energy alone would be outrageous. I think the old recoilless rifles they used mid-century against Panzers and T-34s were big, honking things you mounted on a tripod on the

Wouldn’t they generally be deploying in a large formation with at least some air support or anti-aircraft cover?

I was wondering about this. Even if the Russian government isn’t engaging in a bit of puffery to look like badasses, it seems likely that there would generally be some difference between the theoretical capabilities of a system and its practical capabilities, faced with real-world limitations.

Why is it so important to you to justify a bad cop murdering a civilian attempting to comply with the officer’s orders at a likely-bogus “traffic stop,” and then the subsequent attempt by state-level law enforcement to retroactively justify it (or discredit the victim and witness)?

How was it the victim’s fault for not identifying and accommodating a police officer’s panic? Officers are supposed to be trained in little things like “when not to shoot civilians at traffic stops,” because (spoiler!) the anwer is “nearly goddamn always, holy shit.”

Probably East Germany, too, right? Weren’t they a Democratic Socialist Republic?

I’m genuinely bummed that Kentucky has gone from a (labor) progressive state to a bastion of hardline, pro-CEO Tea Party-ism in the last few decades.


I like what you’re saying in the second paragraph. I would encourage you to try Rogue One again! It’s a pretty good story on its own, and it’s interesting enough that it’s totally worth the time to watch it, so long as you’re able to get past it being a one-off (which I get).

I’m with you, an extra layer of narratively-irrelevant story on top of five movies’ worth of terrible story and clanging noises seems like a major waste of everyone’s time.