Let the eating of spicy Mexican food commence!
Let the eating of spicy Mexican food commence!
Probably because John Gielgud came up with it first.
Actually Cumberbatch is quite wrong, the English actor whose name sounds like a fart in the bath is Edward Woodward.
Well, what does Miley have to rebel against? She's a brat with a silver spoon, the only thing she has to rebel against is the general public's sense of good taste. It's all rather pubescent, this whole quest to see how vulgar she can be, possibly with a vague intent of trying to be authentic.
Oh good, I always turn to ambassadors to the U.N. when I need to know something about diapers. And when it comes to Samantha Power, that's all I really want to know. I mean why ask her about her experiences as a journalist in Bosnia during the civil war there and how that shaped her opinion on humanitarian…
It's because we can't tackle the big problems collectively that we feel this need to become so fastidious with what we eat and how we live. It's not entirely dissimilar from the situation in the seventies. Hippies tried to change the world, but when the world proved to be too big and angry to change, they turned…
Or just say no if they don't offer you a serious budget for your work. You can keep letting companies and employers decide for you, or you can try and change the environment for freelancers for the better by deciding for yourself what you are worth. It doesn't do anyone any good to simply accept whatever they're…
Honestly, I don't know. Capaldi might be just the Doctor the show needs at the moment. With its 50th anniversary coming up, a, shall we say, more traditional Doctor could be a good jumping off point for theshow's future. At the very least it's a change from the very young Matt Smith.
As a children's book illustrator I've always tried to include more than just white people in my work, whenever it was possible. Though frankly I prefer drawing anthropomorphic animals over people as they're more fun, and you don't have to worry so much about getting the hands and faces right.
But I think that in…
Yep, that's exactly it. The first clue was his appearance on this show a couple of years ago.
Well, you have to pay those. And generally people who selfpublish their own children's books are not that forthcoming in the financial department is my experience. Not to mention that this project is about TEACHING AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE, rather than telling a story, the actual quality of the book is perhaps more of a…
It differs country by country, but I think that our monarchy does have its uses. The first is that I think it helps enormously to have a head of state who stands apart from the elected government. This way our national identity is never fully bound up in politics. Look at the difference in the US between Bush and…
Are you Dutch or were you just excited on our behalf? Regardless there's a wonderful irony in someone going by the handle of La Comtesse complaining about the aristocracy.
Just from a cursory look at Qi Baishi's work and that image above I'm inclined to say it's a fake. Baishi's brushwork is completely different than the xenomorph painting. Frankly that picture screams photoshop to me. When you look at a real Baishi you can see the ink doing things on the paper that you can't really…
Yeah, the last change was kind of terrible. They seem to have instagrammed the time vortex. I did think the tunnel looked better in the Tennant days.
Actually I keep thinking that the line in the trailer about protecting 'your family' isn't about Cumberbatch but about Kirk.
As opposed to the gritty realism of Legolas taking out a giant war elephant through the medium of ballet and a bow and arrow?
Good god, yes. I completely agree with the comment I was responding to.
For real, I read that and just thought 'you pathetic wanker.' What the hell happens to someone to make them turn out this way?
I loved him as lord Groan. He would have been a great Dumbledore too.