
Here’s to another 100 years. I love my 94 Miata.

Seriously, Jalopnik is going to shit.

Bad take is bad, feel ashamed. The price of the Miata is fine. Slow news day?

That’s the trick, Han Solo traveled 12 parsecs in less than 12 parsecs...😉


Came here to say that nobody cares and that you should write about something else.


Wow...hope you got a good degree

These things are so wack. Get a Miata dammit.

Hate to break it to you, but Subaru isn’t weird anymore. It’s a mainstream brand for mainstream people who *think* they’re a niche.

While today’s children will surely be tomorrow’s leaders, there’s only so much screaming children can accomplish. We need more adults to start fixing things right now.

Why don’t you just get a Leaf, Bolt, or e-Golf then?

They have these things....called doors...they keep the outside out.

Wow, *spectacularly bad* choice!

I don’t like having to share the planet with this type of person.

GTI gaaaaaang

WOW what a rant; don’t care, bring back the wags anyways. I’m pretty sure you’re dead wrong about most of this.

Because nobody actually wants one with the weak infrastructure we currently have. Most of the people buying trucks still think global warming is a Chinese Hoax. Truck people want something that can tow and doesn’t look out of place, not a ridiculous-looking space-truck that is completely impractical. Cybertruck is for

Yes it is a blue hatchback, it looks like other blue hatchbacks...

Fancy Kristen has reached a new level with this one!