
Weight distribution.


Let’s be real here, gas will be at least $29/gallon in 33 years.

Thought this was the deal of the century then I found the list of problems. What is it with XJs and people not maintaining them?

Why would any enthusiast buy this snoozer over a GTI or Sportwagen?

Of all the cars out there that could benefit from AWD, this is the one you decided to make a case for? The Miata has perfect weight balance and has no problem in snow with appropriate tires.

Not sure what I just read but I mean that sounds cool

This is the most ridiculous and short-sighted movie theory I have ever read

You know what...after staring at it for a while I kinda like it.

Remember Leap Motion, the nExT bIG tHiNg?!

Is a Boosted Board cool enough for you? These are more about practicality and function. If you just want to look cool get an electric dirt bike.

These are already on the market for WAY LESS THAN $890.  THERE IS NO INNOVATION HERE. This is a rip off.

Bonus bonus: “It’s small size”

Bonus: “It many not be the most economical way to drive”

But does it only make sense in Japan?

This dumbass sat in there for 13 hours and didn’t just break the window?

Motor =/= engine.