
This has been done already, years ago on Netflix. I think it was called “Confederate States of America” and it was narrated by a black man. It shows an alternate history of the South winning the war, and how lame and white washed the country became because minorities fled to Canada. So I’m assuming they’re going to go

You sure right about that!

I wonder...if Sandra Bland taught yoga, would people thought her life had mattered as much as this woman’s life? It’s a tale as old as time...people don’t start crying until it affects them (or in this case, people who LOOK like them).

Oh it’s already happening in some of these comment sections. Yoga=leftist hobby, Leftists = devil. I even saw some people compare her to “thugs” that “deserve to be shot by police” and “we don’t know the whole story. Hating police is anti-American.” I honestly thought some of these wypipo would be All Lives-ing the

Yes! I’ve been saying this forever! Other than Insecure (love it), where is our Mindy Project or Girls? Maybe they think too many of us in a show will be another VH1 reality show....

I met a guy in Australia who had a fetish for African women. I kid you not, he had pictures of black women in tribal attire ALL OVER his wall. I had to

I’ve only visited (not lived) in New Zealand, but I like to compare it like this — the US (Australia) and New Zealand (Canada). New Zealand has some of the nicest people I have ever met. I’m sure there’s some assholes like everywhere, but I felt that people in Australia were pretty...ignorant? I had been invited to a

It’s literally WASP behavior on the grandest scale.

None of that is Heineken’s responsibility. At what point are we going to stop stomping on our Internet soapbox about one another, and not critique an ad on soda or beer to death? Maybe it’s a generational thing, but I’ve learned the things my parents went through back in the day (civil rights, both from the south),

Finishing your beer at the table.

Agreed. Dirty, and you can’t linger in any restaurant after you leave. I love my sunshine, beach, clean downtown, being able to finish my beer after I get my check, and the tight knit community of dirty liberals in my southern town.

More like pro life until they get ready to send them to war. Honestly, it has to be that these conservatives are only anti abortion because they crave more (poor) future soldiers to fight their wars.

Fuck this bloated, orange, soulless, clueless, stupid piece of dried dog shit.

Worth a shot! Rememeber this??

I watched the Weiner doc on Showtime, and you could feel the hatred she had for him emanating from the screen. I felt so bad that he took her through that. And how he tried to twist his last fiasco - he’s such a scumbag.

Although eerie, I thought it was hilarious when Carrie was exercising and asked if when you die chubby, does your ghost come back that way? And Debbie stayed a pro to the very end. You’d never see her go outside the box in front of a camera, ever. When she was on, she was ON! I can only imagine what that training

Times like these when a good old firing range would do.

Oh I’m sure it’s the old chicken and watermelon adage.

Stassi cannot convince me that she feels emotion. Girl is a pure sociopath.

In case anyone still likes Nick, he believes that Planned Parenthood is part of a conspiracy for population control. Yeah.