
Don’t worry - - I bet he appreciates the hand love he gives himself daily.

Well apparently more than two black people makes it too black by Hollywood standards. Supposedly white audience members won’t pay to see us or other minorities. Still funny that a channel like BET is seen as divisive and not a direct result of us not being included. Is it so much to see someone like me on tv that does

Is this an “it” thing now? Like did sorority girls stop wearing those cloth bags (forgot what they're called now) and now go for this brand?

Great article! Oh yeah — and don’t forget this gem. I remember watching this with my mom back in the day, lol:

Don’t forget about Harlem Nights! A comedy, but still better than what’s out today!

This times a thousand! I shock people when I tell them I listen to music outside of hip-hop. God forbid.

My bf had a gf a while back who had an IUD. She somehow got pregnant. The doctor wasn't for the abortion pill, but recommended it to her bc of the fact that she had an IUD to begin with. I wonder how these lawmakers would feel about that? I mean, there are so many different reasons why someone would seek this

Sriracha - Good for sushi, stir fry, spicing up pasta dishes. Cholula - Mexican food. Crystal and Louisiana - ALL southern food. Tabasco - - HORRIBLE. Don't bring that shit down south.

I use to swear by them and kept mine incredibly sanitized, but still managed to get a bacterial infection. I'm scared to go back (this was the diva cup).

Whoa... Never thought I'd have anything in common with Kourtney Kardashian, but I do. I've done this since I was a kid!

I was shocked the NY Times had an article about what you’re saying

Does that new Apple TV have a larger remote? Because I've lost count as to how many times I've lost that skinny little silver remote...

Does that new Apple TV have a larger remote? Because I've lost count as to how many times I've lost that skinny

Seriously - Ifeel as though most of these comments come from people who haven’t read the books, getting up in arms about the “fanboys/fangirls” who have. It is not a show about rape, nor is rape glorified. I can only imagine the vitriol if someone came out with a show like GoT based on actual human history. Lol who am

I honestly don’t think they need to tone it down. The show is everything from the books, come to life. On HBO. I feel like Tarantino and Rodriguez certainly get passes with this stuff.

Your response is perfect!

But rape does happen a lot in the books. As a victim of sexual assault, I can say that I wasn't bothered by it, and felt it aligned with the books. If anything, they are painting an image of a truly brutal world ravaged by war.

What’s also crazy is the number of Christian posts against other Christians. Never thought I’d see the day with Protestant Evangelists attack Catholics. I thought they were all cut from the same cloth.

You’re missing it. Heard of CAIR? you have to also consider Christianity on America. Catholics have the Pope, but protestants are splintered. So if a Christian with fundamentalist views went berserk, and they were Protestant - who is going to speak on that? There isn't a head of the Muslim church.

Omg this! My family also swore up and down we had Native ancestry, until I took a DNA test which showed zero results. Instead, I found out I had white family members. It's so funny how many whites and blacks in the US think they're Native American, but truly share black or white ancestry. Reminds me of that Jewel

Check out this gem -