
I’ve always wondered though... if Rotaries had the R&D and time to develop as did the standard piston ICE, where would our “Little Dorito Keg That Could” story be? Hell if there was even a way that 5-10% of the industry’s R&D budget was taken and given to Rotary R&D I think Rotary engines wouldn’t be so ostracized and

“my brain just blew its own apex seals.”

If there’s justice in the world one Jalop will come across this dipshit one day... and that Jalop will put his gas pedal foot into the nuts of this moron with the force of 10,000 jalops. Hopefully that’ll be enough to stop this dipshit from reproducing, if he hasn’t already.

With all these Space Flight Pew-Pew-Pew sims coming out... for the love of all things holy will we EVER get another Colony Wars title?

I remember when I got AdBlock... it was right around the end summer of 2012. Why? cause if I wanted to listen to a song I had to sit through 30 seconds of the Mitt Romney or Barry Obama trying to convince the masses to vote. Since I live in FL (it being a swing state) it was rampant and there was also all that

I wager that in a few years “Retro Gaming” will be the idea where you buy a shiny new game, pay full price, put the disc in your console (or hell just fucking download it to your device), you DONT wait for a day one patch, nor do you have transactions, you just sit there and play the full fucking game you paid for.

Do you know that our US Dept of Defense approved the development of our own TIE Fighter?

What you did there, I see it.

Now playing

It’s funny how everyone thinks all this was “coincidental”... hmph.

Good on our neighbours to the north since they have better sense than our DOD to buy this flying shitshow. Maybe you guys will get the Super Hornet or in the wildest of dreams maybe the Silent Eagle so you can protect our hat, lol.

Just can’t without a bubble canopy, perhaps they’ll make a Super Grippen variant; bubble canopy, improved avionics and thrust vectoring?

You get a recommend on this based on three factors:

Only if involved a couple of Timmy Ho’s or Maple products, lol

When are Micro Machines going to get some love guys!? lol

Did someone make the “Your moms dildo is here.” joke already? lol

“Fuck right off?” thats quite uncharacteristic for a Canuck... lol. All kidding aside I feel the pain I spent a few NYC winters till I moved to FL

Idk, at this point its more like a public service to disclose this location just on the sheer fact that you’d never want to recommend let alone set foot in such a shop.

Damn you Jalopnik, I saw this circulating all over the web last nite on FB. I kept telling myself “It’s a hoax, it’s not going to happen. Every other year I get some dinky article like this on my newsfeed.”. Now you guy post it and it gives me hope... now I want to believe. It’s going to be a hard fall if it isn’t,

In any prospective automotive buying scenario I usually prioritize my needs in this order: Performance, function, p to w ratio, safety, fuel economy & comfort. With this in mind I know that I could give two craps about what enfotainment shitbox option I could get from the dealer let alone what other ameneties some

Anytime I read pieces like this I really would like to find someone how pivotal to the procurement of the F-35 and just kick em in the nuts. FFS this is fucking tragic...