I almost never get all the squirrels, you're making me want to beat the final boss with them this time.
I almost never get all the squirrels, you're making me want to beat the final boss with them this time.
Your boss is the only guy you can kill in the game without screwing yourself over to get the 108.
So appropriate with your avatar, haha.
Breath of Fire. 3 and 4 especially. They are fantastic games. I also love 5, but it seems more divisive. 3 and 4 have a classic PS1 RPG feel, 5 was more innovative (and some people think reductive.) They, a lot like Final Fantasy games, aren't really connected from game to game. They have the same main cast but…
Their Dragon Age intros are normally pretty good. Seeing the dragon swoop through seems more like a pleasant interlude than the game just forcefully reminding me who made it each time.
There's a large side quest that is time sensitive (incredibly so, you have to rush through the game) that allows you to see their side story. Actually recruiting Clive does not require that.
Yup, it doesn't work while in battle. But out of battle you can revive characters with medicine.
Realize that a large amount of the cast is just unbalanced in combat. Especially in 1, a solid third of your fighters will seem laughably weak compared to the other two thirds of the roster. And play the cooking mini game in 2. Please play the cooking mini game in 2.
They're playing two different versions of FFIV? I'd imagine the re-done one clocks in longer. Seems like Cereth is moving a little faster so far, though.
This is inspiring me to reset Y and do a nuzlocke run. I've never done one but it sounds like a really fun way to play the game.
This is making me want to hole up in my room at my parent's house and play Ripto's Rage all weekend like a true Thanksgiving of yore.