
Yeah you would think after the first, I dunno, 10 years or so that their plan wasn’t working.

What the title should read:

Hi, BruthaBrad - Merritt made that statement following the incident, which was in December. Shelton was just indicted today.

Old Navy’s products are crap and designed to wear out in less than six months. A gift card in any amount is an insult.

Besides the fact that these idiots were a bunch of racist morons, they broke every retail rule in this situation. If your staff does something INCREDIBLY STUPID and especially INCREDIBLY RACIST, you do everything you can to make it right, on the spot-including an ass load of discounts, gift cards and your full name,

I think a descrimination lawsuit would be more productive. I also assume the Manager and Dm are fired, hence the store closing.

I think the bigger question here is “what happens when a 3-kilometer space Muskie hits that lure?”

Show me a man who would prefer sex with a doll over sex with a real woman, and I will show you...

same time souring their opinion of the technology with a really crappy experience.

That is what city ordinances are for. Most HOAs in “affordable” developments are there due to deals the developers had to make with the city in order to build the homes. The HOA is a crutch used by municipalities to avoid paying for upkeep on roads and being responsible for standards that usually fall under the city’s

One of the many reasons I hate HOA’s.

black ice.

Have you heard of a small company called Tesla?

Thanks for sharing this. I looked this resturant up on TripAdvisor. I usually go here for hotel and restaurant recommendations one reviewer stated she was yelled at by one of the bouncers for questioning the policy. It has been my experience that businesses that care about customer reviews try to respond to

Those bouncers need to be slapped upside the head with my 10 year old Nike’s.

This is bittersweet. they wait until decades after heir deed property laws and prodigal sons up north have destroyed the landowning base in the Gullah-Geechee nation to finally say, Oh yeah, they are people down there.

The Whos down in Whoville dine on roast beast for Christmas, at least according to the Grinch.