
How about you stop trying to manage other people’s reactions and handle your own? “Relax, take a deep breath” and stop minimizing by calling people “dramatic”. 

badass! did you put it up on your garage wall?

oh. that’s what was in the box? boo.

What? Wow! Welcome!!! Whewwwww!!! Seriously, this is very cool. and unexpected, I am excited...

sounds like paradise to me. and that bacon? it’s candied. I never want to leave Apple Cider Island.

Huge hot raindrops on naked skin? Yeah, people are just basically going to be wet-humping each other on the floor underneath one of these.

I like it. It’s like butthurt, but clever :)

I just *know* Che was like....’hm..I’ve been down this avenue before. “Driver, make a left turn at the red light please. Nothing down here for me on Super Special Snowflake Boulevard.”’

um...if your penis looks like that, anything like that, even unburnt, you are an inhuman freak and you deserve to be put down. like down into a live volcano.

Probably just a member of an INRA sleeper cell. They’ve been waiting for Thargoids to show up for revenge ever since that “Thargoid genocide incident” they were successfully able to keep a lid on.

deceitful and cowardly? should she have plunged her rockette boot heel into some man’s chest and then stood on his desk to defiantly announce her intentions to not dance? Tha fuk?

haha you don’t think so? So reminiscent of the Liquid Television Aeon Flux shorts that often had almost no dialogue, or plot, or real direction. But plenty of alien slishy squish sounds and intense kinetic action for no damned reason. Just a lot less super skinny women in electrical tape bikinis doing high jumps...for

i would be surprised if what they call “the ratings” these days was still connected to viewer survey books and set top monitors. I’m guessing they get it directly from the satellite box and digital service records, while you’re watching the TV, it’s watching what you’re watching. I may be wrong

the things humans do to get a buzz. very Aeon flux, not necessarily in a good way, but in a way way.

Well I know I didn’t watch it until I heard about it on the webs, then I flipped over. And rewatched online. So... I dunno, maybe someone has a point somewhere.

Hollyweird grows like a weed, that’s for damned sure.

ahh god sandra lee! keep her away from anything edible...

thats why we need more renegade science. “Imma strap one to a sled and throw it out of the airlock. Back in a hour.”

god just reading this is exhausting, no way in hell do i have the patience left to actually try to convince you. I am 100% more likely to just go replay Frog Fractions 1 to remind myself. 

Nah. I know Rick. I know Ricks. They just cut off before he looks within himself and says “fuck it”, and a belch rises, and he’s back to his usual ‘just clinging to life like some genius undying bastard’ self.