
I prefer to think that she eventually got past that horrible stage of grief, and has moved on with her life. Maybe she’s in a sniper pit somewhere, trying to take things one day at a time? Might be interesting if players ran into her elsewhere.

how many marijuanas did that post take?

They don’t have enough money in the world (within their pre 2025 budget) to make a good enough movie with a good enough story to make people care about the Inhumans. They just didn’t have the motivation to do it proper justice, with new ideas and visuals and emotional touchstones. It would have just been another

Lol yeah, the law of equivalent exchange is a really vengeful m**********r sometimes. .

Tuck and roll. Hit the ground running. Keep your head low. Move and keep moving. Find cover. Get allies. Organize. Radio Silence until further notice.

The list of games is a marketing thing. I compared them to the famicom classic box they have on sale as well, and of course it seems they just grabbed a bunch of best of “classics” and threw them into a literal retail package. If they had allowed SD cards or even downloads from the NES store, this might be a must-buy.

Jase, I dunno the amount of effort that goes into playing Excitebike and saying its controls are ‘A+B+Dpad+boring’. The game has lots of replay value, the original game anyway, I can’t speak on emulated ports... But the original was the equivalent of a semi-mindless cellphone game today. Quick to pick up, get in a few

Well at least this wasn’t a Galaga clone something something...>_>

$2.99 3 pack scarf DLC will probably be #1 on the Steam DLC chart for weeks.

oh well your assurance is so reassuring.....

plea deal prosecution is an unfair practice in too many places. They force you to plead guilty and have no real interest in any kind of “Justice”. Just plead or be punished extra-hard, and its a bullshitty shame in a burning trashpile of a moral dilemma called ‘America’s fuck you’.

you can so long as it comes with a protective outer-covering. for, safety.

you’ve heard of old man strength, well once he gets within centimeters of you, he gets a burst of turtle speed. Probably grab the host by the turtle and teach him some manners for forcing that bit of coitus interruptus.

stop trying to make manspreading a thing.

They’re right you know, sex without condom is 5 times as powerful. And the year is 1973, if you must be informed.

they probably see things like Reagan did. “Let the HIV and AIDS kill our two birds with one stone.” Just like the Americans let the gay and minority populations get hit on multiple fronts via sex/drugs/poverty/crime/social pariah status, the Russians will do the same with gays and socio-political progressives.

It seems like he got the shaft in that exchange, because he looks really uncomfortable immediately after.

I bet that kind of news would be relevant to some tech person in a secured room with a 9 pack box of energy drinks to get them through the shift.

Crew of intrepid Kerbals. Failed mission, failed rescue mission, mission classified, deleted game file, no one has to know.

Add sugar.

Add sugar.