
lots of people get paid to push people out of the way and to shout things while doing it. I could see him being successful at a whole number of places.

In comedy school they teach us about effort:timing ratios, and there are many debates about just how far you can walk a shaggy dog before you eventually have to blow its brains out like old yeller. This latest incident, with the David S. Pumpkins just goes to show that you can’t get everyone to agree if 5 minutes of

are you by any chance a feline or a canine? Because that is also fine, too.

so everyone who is confused must be using low definition lcd monitors... covered in Vaseline. Its gotta be a case of blurry image.

worth what?

“Regardless of whether the FBI is chill with his shenanigans right now, The Jester should probably quit while he’s ahead.”

ok. there was not an actual cat in the barrel...

...maybe. but besides that, and seat belt documentaries aside, most people don’t commonly ingest small amounts of cyanide, to the point that we needed an Instructional Cyanide Eating Safety video.

So, now you know why he goes by Xzibit.

Most of us are just pissed that he was never in any real danger and basically just wasted my 10 seconds or however long that video was, I forgot already. I think even dumb babies know that poison won’t hurt you if you only eat a little of it.

I have a rule of not being friends with dudes with extra extra long pinky nails.

Sounds like the beginning of a Movie where Christopher Walken stars as some ancient fallen archangel or something.

underground base with dome ports built over the craters. Boom, done. Where’s my check and my free sandwich?

sounds like an igNoble prize in the making. Get some sharpies and a sharpei and get to work! :P

if that boay don’t drive a white 1994 ford taurus GL, I will eat this here cowboy hat.

you can put aside political belief, but when they affect your social actions and those actions impact the lives of others, its not a sign of benevolent tolerance but of wilfull blindness, and maybe even fear.

When it comes to racism and race, you would be surprised how widespread and adaptive the cultural blindspot is. #1 Nation in the world, remember?

I’m getting tired of emailing Microsoft to tell them how horrible they are, these days. Every change or innovation they make is 2 steps back and a fall off into a crevice. Someone else do it this time.

Holy cannoli he really *is* that guy. Look at him closely, he’s driving the damned Mustang barefoot!

I love the smell of gasoline, and oil stained concrete...gotta be old stains though, and old oil.