
so. classic.

Poor drab. Poor poor drab. Where does he end up in all of this?

this is the way it always is. when an insider comes out with dirt, do you think they call up their former employer to ask for their take? Are you an idiot or just naive? Are you a schoolteacher here to tell us about the dangers of gossip? Or are you just upset because now Chad is being painted as having race issues as

Please do. I remember when the Chad and Levar show was almost taken off the air because Levar caught Chad badmouthing him and belittling his intelligence and so he basically walked off the show. This was after they gave Levar the headliner title and made Chad the official sidekick.

Does kelp even grow from seeds? I haven't been able to find kelp seeds anywhere.

I liked the other posterchild for Internet Freedom better :(

well you figure someone probably gets told to keep it freshly painted.

I'm guessing that this wouldn't play in the ultra-Conservative ultra-religious south or middle east, either.

as a christian, I wouldn't care.

stop being such a zed

doesn't matter what you consider it to be, the general usage is offensive. I don't care if you mean it in the nicest way possible, it's still an ugly and impolite word that you shouldn't use in public or private.

I'm totally stealing and keeping 'chocolate sword' forever. And now I have a new game for the boudoir.


Knotting is like Foreverial Tiedup and Delitized going mainstream and becoming an indie hit.

GAH!! Too much detail! Pull back! Back!!

oh my delightful childhood.


Now playing

I was unable to enjoy this video because of that music. Thank god for the mute button, and then I was able to put on some real music.

not a sandwich, it's a wrap. Is a pie a cake? A small cake might get called a cookie, and a small pie a tart, and they are all desserts, but not all are pastries. We have classifications for a reason. it isn't sandwiched between two pieces of anything. It's wrapped.

Jackassery abounds. None of that was any good. None of it.