
I keel you!!1

We had an awesome Library downtown that was like this. Probably because it was next door to a soup kitchen/homeless shelter that closed during the day.

mostly lame. I'm far from the horrible little shits that inhabit Xlive, but I still had people giving me bad ratings for being "aggressive" or "unsportsmanlike" because I was a dead body meleeing cat-n-mouser in Halo.

like beautiful, refreshing, vaguely sexual rain. all over my face.

Late 60s Early 70s counter culture Japan? Probably some good ones.

I just figured it was something strange going on with the air pressure and humidity in that 150 year old southern house. Still, it was more like a fog or a mist than a cloud. And the human ear has a tendency to convert random ambient noises and give them voice-like quality. So...when I would hear my name being called

raw deals unlimited.

pritty good. pritty pritty good.

oh holy crap leisure town is back.

Author needs to read Q&A Confidential by Tristan Farnon. Used to be over at

They'll bring her back. They'd better.

Domino's manager, huh? It's ok fella, there there. Just...just let it all out.

she didn't get proper clearance for that balloon launch did she? bad science girl. bad.

Sir, due to your hallucinations, you're clearly unfit for duty. I'm assuming command of this ship, just as soon as I bite off your head. Now hold still...

well when you're talking about gaming objects and all that, you can talk about player skeletons. When you're talking about 2d art, the look is the look. The look is reminiscent of S&S, yes. But when you try putting all of these things under these umbrellas of rationalized logic, you start sounding like a lawyer or a

player skeleton...for...pixel art? thats....kinda bullshit man

ah, damn it feels good to be surrounded by others of my own kind. straight up mf'ing pimps.

well if you're trying to kill a guy, you're not going to be nice about it. Cutting off an alien's head is going to feel different from cutting off a human's head? Don't discount the intentions of the interaction. Make a game where you can be ultra violent and that's what you'll get. But it makes sense that people

wow. just wow. beautiful stuff. Almost worth the periodical falling debris, right?

ah so you're actively being the illusion. That's...really very giving of you.