
someone doesn't know what racism is...

oh god. she's saying he's so hot she'd bang him even if he was her brother. That's...i need an adult.

Master Ninja Theeme song!

Wolf sez find your own girl, this one's his.

trolls the guy on the gamer website. come on guys...this guy is a crank.

they have the CGI guy, and then they have the dude who appears at all It's an old showbiz trick, public actors, lookalikes and all.

yeah, there's basically no excuse for not knowing who Emmett Till was. And then when they find out, they're like ' What's the big deal?' that's when you're not even mad, just...just disappointed. You start wondering about who you're hanging out with, what you're doing with your life...

wow. I wonder how much of the Civil Rights movement didn't make it into Southern text books and curriculums. I know that private schools in some states can basically include or omit whatever they want, but this is kind of scary. And explains a lot. A lot lot lot. Like...everything.

More like this will the the last AAA console a lot of this current generation of gamers will buy. I don't think I'll ever splash out $500+ for another video game player ever again.

yeah facebook games shouldn't be included in the count, and neither should be the people that play them. Smartphones....depends on the genre of the game.

There's nothing wrong with asking the question, why are things made without equal representation. The problem isn't that something gets made, it's when other things don't get made. Now...i grew up playing games on computers which still had plenty of women characters in them. It was a different market from mass-market

they actually got me to log in....

no one curr about your stupid social media city building vision. People just want to build cities, not play SimTwitter.

Cults...yeah cults are new, like the Manson family, the Jonestown massacre, who else...there have been a few.

just think of it as a 100$ surcharge. Or use Linux, virtual machines, and exploit Windows OS demos all day.

I'm a PC builder and really all your money goes into cpu, motherboard, and graphics card. Everything else is dirt cheap, comparatively. Those three things, this smaller than a breadbox toy doesn't appear to have.

Well it was the complaints that got them this far. You know it to be true. So..lets see. Accountability now? Sometimes you have to complain. I wonder if they fired the tech from that viral message for following company policy or not.

My point is that she's mixed up. The games aren't addictive, and they don't need to be made less addictive. Unless you mean "Addictive(TM)", the company buzzword for bad and annoying non-games for non-gamers.

She covers those points, true, but bases it on the frame work of "addictive" play, when in fact she means "shitty play that game companies have branded as addictive, when it is in fact not addictive at all, it is the furthest thing from addictive, as you don't actually want to play it, you're just desperate to get a

oh i thought it was a...never mind joke.