
"If time travelers are constantly changing the past, they are not very good at it. Why did they not avoid two disastrous and pointless world wars in the past century?" He's assuming time travelers think like sci-fi authors. Why get rid of the world wars when the end result was already defined? What might replace it

Now I fully expect Roberta to show up on the back of a Dragon.

Seems like the Fallout designers did look at photos like these. They even got the rows of abandoned trailers right.

Why a remake? WHY IS EVERYTHING BEING REMADE?! Was the world recently destroyed or something? I prefer red masks myself. I mean you can make an argument for why they had to color code, for their unique personalities and identities, but really, not really.

Yah, I'm sort of not feeling it. The old Mirage stories and art remain untoppable. This...we'll see. Less teen angst, more teen determination.

As I was walking down the street one dayyyy.... *Bah-dah-dahdah-dahhh* ...a man came up to me and ask me what time was that was on my waatch. And I said, "Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care? If so, I can't imagine why, we've all got time enough to cry."

Hahah! Engage.

I remember, as a child of the 80s, when Dianetics commerials and Time-Life books were like a constant presence of the mid-day television commercial environment. The Dianetics commercial started off with an angry overflowing Volcano, and seemed so interesting. And now, knowing all about the intergalactic overlord and

I'm in.

Yeah. Batman never stuck his fingers through someone's forehead to kill them. I was like DAAYUUMMMMMMMUH.

horndog powers, activate.

I thought it was Mizzy-zip-tilk.

yeah, you're right. Still, I wish they tried to do an original interpretation angle.

These don't work unless you've seen the movie though. The literary description of no-face might not look anything like the animated representation, and our imaginations might have seen something totally different. Those old book covers were perfectly off the mark. This effort sort of cheats a bit. It's like when a

I wish I lived in a world where this existed.

I will fight you for the right to be filly Fluttershy's friend.

It looks like an eagle with arms doing a super muscle flex.

electrodes implanted in your pleasure center with an in/out connection in your nose. So all you have to do is touch noses to exchange bioelectrical pulses and...say "oh god."