
Singlehandedly removing any intentions I had to see that movie. Ryan Reynolds as the Highlander is basically banning me from seeing this movie. Why Hollywood. Why? Is he your son? Do you feel obligated to give him jobs he doesn't deserve? I would have watched a Highlander movie, but now I can't.

And then Suess woke up as a gay black man. Hard Mode New Game + Achievement. UNLOCKED.

I never had heard that expression, no. But the world does surprise me sometimes with what it can come up with...

This game I would pay Japanese prices for.

i want to threaten him, watch him back down, and tell him to put on a shirt. And stop eating my cereal. (I don't really mind the cereal. Mainly the milk.)

Yeah I thought the Joker voice was perfect. You've just been spoiled by Mark Hammil's perfectg middle aged Joker.

2 bills is a drop in the bucket. Uncle Sam spends that in a weekend on hookers and hot coffee. Obviously the expectation is that there would be technological advances to bridge some of these engineering gaps. I have this argument all the time with tank lovers who say who needs mechs when we have the MBT. I never said

When I say mech I mean more like a battletech, not robotech. And definitely not Gundam (I generally hate Gundam shows anyway.) My examples are slow moving, densely armored, and powerfully armed. And it certainly wouldn't move like a Japanimation robot. Chromehounds maybe. And we can afford to spend 2 billion dollars

Thank God for people like you to help make the apocalypse a terrible place to live.

mf'ing nanobots? Why not use a teleporter ray since we're going full sci-fi here? :P And again, i said it wouldn't be a 30 foot tall anything, because then you do have a significant physics issue. 12 ft tall is enough. EMP shielding is attainable. reactive armor adds weight, but not a problem if they incorporate that

Yah I loved Portal on Xbox Live. The controller pad was very helpful, and it didn't look bad at all. Still prefer kb/m for 1st person games, but Portal translated over very well.

I guess they aren't considered 'nerdy' enough, even though they're truly hiphop nerds. Lupe and Kanye and Childish are all stylish and hip(ster). MFDoom was literally an unpopular outcast/shut-in with a bunch of records and Fantastic Four samples.

Maybe you're thinking 30ft tall Gundam or something. I'm talking more like fully enclosed, completely reinforced walking/rolling tank, with armor and countermeasures that already take into account current and next generation anti-tank weaponry. Homemade bombs won't cut it. And antitank missiles can be shot or blown

I'll just steal one and become a mercenary.

This is the hint. Japan has a super rich R&D industry, and a penchant for robotics. You really think they don't have some black project somewhere they don't want the Americans or Russians to know about? I'd say we're living in a Mecha present.

Would you call your mom a slut or a whore, if she did? Curious.

I'm not from Jezebel. I'm from Kotaku. That may surprise you. Hi there. I'll be around. And to be clear, slut-shaming is what the first guy did. Calling someone a slut and trying to shame them. Girls wanna have fun, and I wanna let them. And if you got a problem with that, well then...I guess you got problems.

My brain went numb. That's how hot she is.

and foidamore since it made me promote you when i replied. A pretty girl wants to wear skimpy clothes and make out with other girls and you want to call her a bad term, with major negative connotations, such as slut? You want her to feel ashamed? What is wrong with you? You act like what she's doing is a bad thing.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.