
Actually we can have him captured and.....well I'll just come out and say it, killed, before he puts pen to paper, or starts typing into his iPad or whatever. The Main Man deserves a better story than this. Not like this!

There was nothing wrong with the black and white buttons. That's my opinion.

no. I think you have been confused by half the thread directing comments at you. I was saying that the Japan of old were allied with and believed the same as Nazis. Since that's what YOU and ME were both talking about. WW2 Japan....god.

strip clubs are a joke and a swindle. America mixes the desire for sex, the lonliness of single people, the boredom of married people, and the sale of alcoholic beverages, and the money flows. It's not unique to America though, of course. But the leveraging of our biology against us is a strong commercial sales point,

Oh, so THAT's my problem.

oooh. Carrier Command. All the old games are coming back. I'm gonna call it. New Maniac Mansion redeux before 2014.

Nazis, Dude. Nazis. //walter

No, I agree with him. Before their defeat, many in Japan worshiped a bastardized version of Bushido, and believed in their inherent superiority over the rest of the world. Imagine a fascist racist-America with patriotism turned up to 11. That's pretty damned detestable, I'd say.

Xbox Live is full of angry angry misanthropes who hate all living beings, male or female. Foul mouthed, foul tempered, unimaginative with their insults, I can easily believe girl gamers have enjoyed tons of abuse there. It is just one corner of the online gaming world though.

The worst kind of monster.

Maybe you're just wedgie shocked. As an adult, I'm come to stop worrying about if people think something "looks dumb". Especially if it is efficient, and it works well for me. The perceptions and opinions of others can 'go hang' at that point. Unfortunately, my laptop bap strap isn't long enough, or else you or

I'd have to wonder about the visibility of the product, advertising, pricing. If it was on Xbox, they'd be in the 10s of thousands at least for 600mps

this is more than just displeasure. It's a failed business system that he seems to be warning others to be wary of. Of course this isn't just some disagreement between two parties that can be worked out. Nintendo has a dinosaur of a system that they appear to be neglecting, via sales and promotions and advertising, so

I want a strawberry watermelon leopard. Science! Get on it!

Far be it from some science mavens to try to stick an elbow into the ribs of alternative or competing practises. But people would do well to remember that Traditional Chinese Medicine was based on the science of it's day. It should definitely be held to stronger and more exacting standards, but doesn't deserve much of

daaamn, is that bok choy in that litter filled water? Man.

"won't someome please think of the children!?" no. Sorry. Too busy thinking about melting a stick of honey butter on her stomach

He needs to get a Heihachi Mishima haircut and then his act will be complete. Completely complete.

Needs to be bigger and louder. Looks a beaut though.

bite your tongue. 80s game boxes wer freakin works of art