I did a ton of coke tonight and thought id say that I found it funny to say John Calamari instead of John Calapari.
I did a ton of coke tonight and thought id say that I found it funny to say John Calamari instead of John Calapari.
As long as both parties are cool with it, I see no problem.
"Waiter! Bread sticks! And there's a small fleck of cheese on this table. Have it cleaned. Chop chop!" Needless to say, the evening went downhill from there.
Roger Miller's story is why I always overtip for delivery. I get pizza so hot I can't even eat it yet, and the Indian place sends a free dessert every time. Mmmm mango mousse. I don't get why anyone would be shitty to the person who is saving me from having to cook and wash dishes.
Allahvun It
You forget the most import flaw of the MacBook: It has one fucking USB-C that doubles as a charger and needs adapters.
Anyone who would kill an elephant for 'sport' needs the absolute shit beaten out of them.
To steal a quote from Jezebel I saw last night, if I can't send my kid anywhere with a PB&J sandwich for public health reasons, I shouldn't be allowed to send them anywhere without an MMRV.
Amy does know
Well, that's one way to tailgate
This is absolutely disgusting.
I've fought and defeated over thirty animals on this list. #CrimingWhileWhite
Oh boy, time to put my property manager pants on again! :D
It's coming back this summer! http://newjersey.news12.com/news/action-pa…
It works as both! Also, JORDY LAFORGE BITCVHES.
"I'm Batmen"
You mean, like "The Amityville Beluga"? 'GET OUT"
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