
Some thoughts have a certain sound; this being the equivalent to a form.

mmmMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… Shai-hulud.

I have just folded space from Ix. Many machines on Ix. Better than on Richese.

Many men have tried.


You are not unheard, nor unappreciated, nor unagreed with.

Guys, I'm pretty sure she's Mrs. Potts from Beauty & the Beast.

The most read?
So why does this, and other old weird random-ish shit like this, keep popping up on the right of the screen in the "the most…" linkset?

[I see now my comment here duplicates those of others below. I do apologize.]

The torture dungeon sequence is truly disturbing in all the best ways. That super, super creepy-ass dude in the black hood (he's like Dumb Donald's evil, torturin' brother) sings Tommy down the elevator, in a disconcerting, minor-key sing-song, filling him in an just who they torture, and how, on each floor as they

Just want to add to the pile of nods for Unbreakable. I love it, it sat for a long time at #2 on my favorite movies I've ever seen list.

To me, he's Garth from Wayne's World.

3 Kill 3 Bilious

" Ace Rockolla

SIJ, you're keeping the awesome alive.

Or maybe he was saying he forgot to walk a Yorkshire terrier.

BrrrrRRRRrrrrr, it makes me feel like I'm skiing in the Swiss Alps!

Yeah, Blair Witch was awesome, you guys are crazy.

I do, so I shall! Thanks for the tip!

I am a big Flashpont fan, but take the opposite stance from yours, FF. What I love about Flashpoint is that, going in, and based on the marketing it gets, you think it's basically going to be "The Unit: Thinly Veiled Toronto". But then, without telling you it's going to do so, it treats every single person in it as a