less episodes
less episodes
did they try and reboot? that usually fixes windows for me.
Maybe not stopped, but just phrased it as a question. I’ll take “things I should I learn about before commenting” for 200.
“I’m not a geologist” you should have stopped there.
So then the real question is whose fault is it?
The whole point of the story was the significance and power of humanity. The Devil was about to show up, not God, but humanity prevailed. Ending the story in some big cosmic battle would have completely shat on the message of the story.
I’m yet to see a Japanese person with yellow skin anywhere; some are browner than others, but many are just as pale as any North European. And her eyes have a very typical Japanese almond shape, they’re just larger than on a real person because anime.
But that’s the one world that isn’t ours. We’re not allowed to land there.
I think she’s just racist against wookies. “Walking carpet”, “just as soon kiss a wookie”, no medal in A New Hope... So many micro- and not-so-micro-aggressions.