Excuse me, dickhole, every *spending* bill has been signed by your guy, Barack hussein Obama. And yes, he is too horrible of a leader to get anyone together to pass anything. That’s what horrible leaders do.
Excuse me, dickhole, every *spending* bill has been signed by your guy, Barack hussein Obama. And yes, he is too horrible of a leader to get anyone together to pass anything. That’s what horrible leaders do.
This is the most ignorant and uneducated comment you could have made. I assume it was a mistake.
Exactly, making us all better off. That bush blame warms my heart and helps my wallet.
You nailed the problem. Wages will go up, but revenue will not. Forced expenses without corresponding business growth equals failure.
Any recent polls showing the 76ers as the favorites to win the next 3 years?
So what you THINK will happen is every single other company out there will raise their wages to compete with... minimum wage?
I am going to relish in how much sodium you will have when he wins.
Makes you salty doesn’t it? You are thinking “but this guy is a bigot” yadda yadda yadda.
You know what happens when you lower your wages and your competition doesn’t? You don’t get the talent. It’s called a free market, works quite well.
“He is one of the best, if not the best, pro-gay Republican candidates to ever run for the presidency,” said Gregory T. Angelo, president of the Log Cabin Republicans, an advocacy group for LGBT Republicans. Trump would do no harm on same-sex marriage, Angelo said, and has a “stand-out position” on non-discrimination…
Unemployment rate is down because the labor participation rate is down. That’s basic math, everyone knows that. Wages are stagnant, so nobody is better off than they were 7 years ago. The amount of underemployed people is through the roof, another fact of life caused by the ACA.
I thought your guy had a plan. Nothing has gotten better, unless you are rich and have money in the stock market, or unless you own an insurance company.
It’s clear you don’t know dick about the bill, much like your representatives who voted for it. There is a lot more in the bill than the employer mandate. The administrative burden this bill puts on small businesses is significant.
1. Is it your contention that the supreme court will overturn the right to have an abortion or the right for gay people to get married? Bc that’s a pretty ridiculous take, there have been plenty of chances for them to do so.
Oh they are? Tell me more about how they haven’t done a damn thing in 7 years...
Does he even have economic policies? I mean he signs every budget, and his economic policies that come out of the ACA are crippling small businesses.
lol listen to yourself. She’s a callous moron because she doesn’t agree with your opinions.
No, that’s what you saw on the news. and because you are too dumb to find out yourself, you are here, sounding retarded.
Currently under Obama - 50% of our country earns less than 30k per year, millions upon millions of people have fallen into the food stamp lines, wages are stagnant, the wealth gap has greatly increased.... more than 70% of our country thinks the country is going in the wrong direction....
OR it’s you that is the dumbass. I know that hasn’t crossed your mind yet, so you are welcome.