Now playing

Saw a youtube video explaining it (so slight grain of salt perhaps but was convincing). Basically poise controls i-frames (invincibility frames) and v-frames (physical/visual frames(??)).

“I’m here to tell you there’s something else...” Prince showed me the life I wanted to live. He was my black genius

it’s not really a big deal honestly, and i never made it out to be one. I even stated twice and this is the third time i’m stating it, I was a fool. (should’ve known better) I have every intention of playing this game over multiple times like I have with past souls games. I felt playing with buddies was more important

Pshh! I’ve seen nearly 3,000 different endings! They were oddly similar, though...

No, androids

The start of the game promises something that’s really different, this is also true for all the game’s promotion materials. The game is sold as a more serious, more mature version of Silent Hill.

Hmm, it’s still amusing to play, but for all the wrong reasons. It is because the game presents itself really seriously, but is somehow filled with cartoonish, can’t-be-taken-seriously elements.

I agree, Alice would make a better protagonist than Alan. Alice being thrown in a damsel-in-distress trope and her knight-in-shining armor is her husband, a man that barely exercises. Like many heroes of this trope, jump through numerous hoops just to prove their love. If that is not overdone, then I should stop

How is it that you only have 6 stars on this comment? This would be an *EXCELLENT* sequel and would both frame up the existing world and elements really well, as well as provide a completely “new” character and perspective to play through. Im down.

and it was way too predictable. Do you have an ally with you? You’re about to get separated. The story/premise was interesting, but the scripted sequence/enemy encounters were so telegraphed.

I will continue to pitch my sequel idea to Remedy.

I don’t know, I didn’t like the story either. Well, specifically I didn’t like Alan’s narration throughout, every time he was describing something that would’ve been plain even without his narration, it grated on me.

This is more or less what I came here to say. I was never a huge fan of the combat, but by the end of the game I was completely sick of it. The rest of the game’s components were great, which is why I made it through to the end.