
Pro-tip: Come up with a witty insult about the officer’s waist size and penchant for doughnuts.  I guarantee they’ll be thrown entirely off guard by such a unique witticism.

“I will own your bank account. I will own your house.”

This story misses the most important part, though: what code was the car throwing?

“We need to make something that looks like a Tahoe, but if it were unlicensed in a Video Game.”

You can look at that and say nicely done?

Counterpoint: touch the cars. You won’t hurt ‘em. They will be fine. Get your grubby mitts all over them. Someone can just wipe the prints off later. No harm done.

Except of course all mid engine cars and actual race cars.

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you...

340 is enough, you’re driving it wrong.

No stick, no sale. I say, “Good Day Sir!”

Yup. I’d rather own a manual Fiat 124. That my 100% no sarcasm intended, honest opinion.

Ah yes 50:50 perfect balance

That speed was out of the Stratus-sphere, I don’t think he’ll get away with such spirit-ed driving.

Something something, Goes Like Hell

He could Challenge it, but the jury will Demon’d justice.

Those Charges will certainly be Challenging to overcome.

Hell of a ticket. I doubt hell be able to dodge this in court.

The only way to know for sure who has the best price is to do your shopping from the comfort of your phone or computer and compare several quotes in writing. However, that process is most effective when it is done within a few weeks time.