
20,000 galons, thats pretty sick!

All that effort to paint old gum...

The tourch may compete with Iphone4. All other BB's are crap.

@Dinosaur!: It is easy to determine which is new... i like the naming convention they have now..

I wouldn't ever realy place any sticker on my car lol. My paint is perfect, i love my car more then hubble! BUT hubble is still pretty awesome.

@SkipErnst: I also agree with not giving the children too much. Frankly 10M is to much...

@Darth Meow 504: You seriously inspired me with this rant... I want to go buy a BMX again!

I love Hubble. Seriously if i found a bumper sticker that said "i luv hubble" i would stick it on my Charger. Right over the sticker that reads "your too fuckin close!"

I would like to shake the hand of that judge!

@Lizard_King: So true.. If they really cared they would re-evaluate 21% interest rates.

Make pot legal already!! Alcohol and tobacco are far worse than pot.

check the links...

U only need one of these...

I think the parking lot in the pic is the correct parking lot....

If the picture represents 90,000 sq.feet i can safely say the Walmart in my area has a parking lot 10 times the size.

one small parking lot?

Google must be hiding the building wrong.

I do think the difference is substantial. Try some more games like pocket legends, tiger12... newer stuff.

This brings new meaning to the expression "chill".