
Some of the tests are extremely misleading. A quick google search will turn up various articles that will tell you about how identical triplets and quadruplets can get different results, sometimes wildly, from such tests. The error level can go so high as to attribute african DNA to one of the group but not any of the

* insert TOP GUN gif here *

“Over $1MM invested in this build, worth $20MM+, we know what we have, no lowballers or Palestinians. Bring a trailer.”

Fish are cool to look at.

It is an Epic Tyop.


Properly sad the Baja has gone. It looked so ‘right’. I can’t put my finger on it, but if it had a solid body and the sort of mechanicals that is sounds like this one will be getting it would have been just about the perfect bug for me.

It looks like Sergei may be in a competition with Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos for “most Bond villian-like CEO.” While Elon and Jeff dream of extra-planetary empire, Sergei is all about wafting from lair to lair in his command dirigible.

The action of going mudding makes you a redneck. It’s just reality.

You can be a wealthy hedge fund manager from Wall Street named Kip Smithers, but for those five minutes that you’re ripping donuts through a field in your Mercedes GLS, you’re a redneck.


“Just kill me”


I did not expect a Fifth Element reference.

I bet they could actually get Vin Diesel. Maybe they can have a sniper kill him halfway through the game or something...

I would make that an immediate buy if the whole game was narrated by Tom Hanks. Knowing his love for WWII history, I doubt he would be that hard to convince.

So much hype around the Dodge Demon and yet this Nissan Maxima is clearly a hell of a drag racer.

Someone call Kevin Bacon, Atlanta is going to need his help.


Oh I know how this ends.