And, of course, the guy’s understanding of what “as is” means is completely wrong. It merely means there is no implied warranty of merchantability. This is a simple matter of contract law and those internet postings are fatal to the seller’s case. The As Is WILL NOT HELP HIM IN THAT REGARD.
This is a weird hill that you chose to die on.
Perhaps I’m being an ass, but I think he should file in NY and go through the whole jurisdictional/long-arm fight. Make it that much more daunting for the seller. (CO Atty here).
Sir, may I suggest that if you’d been issued a mustache as spectacular as Roar Strand’s, these mechanical failures might not have occurred?
Nice Saab story.
Well this is 9 kinds of shady. Still, it would have been hilarious if they had made it to Portland.
brb, off to the print/framing store.
To protect their expensive thoraxes - there's only so much money in the budget for robot parts this year.
Personal armor tends to be rendered useless once it’s damaged. So I’m guessing it would be easier to replace a damaged vest than repair an armored body?
I imagined you saying this inside a fortified city under siege by savage five year olds who are minutes from breaching the walls and laying waste via tantrums and hyperactivity.
Even though the concept of a United States of America didn’t exist until the late 18th Century.
I justed starred both of these comments.
Why not fix the problems? Why shut the plant down completely? I’m tired of nuclear power being villified after Fukishima. Don’t build a nuclear plant in an earthquake zone; I didn’t think it needed to be said. Compared to oil spills and coal pollution, nuclear power is a far cleaner and far safer form of energy. There…
Rowling is now 20 years removed from writing the first Harry Potter book. George Lucas made the Star Wars prequels 20 years after A New Hope. Just saying.