
Maybe people will do defensible space this time.... or not build in a 4-7 year fire ecology zone.

Crystalline foxes?

There is zero need for bump stocks.

The problem with “legislating them away” is where do we decide to draw the line as to what’s legal.

You realize that Diane Feinstein is on record from yesterday stating, (and the problem with this is there’s no paraphrasing on this) “I hope this starts the slippery slope to get rid of them all”.

That is the mentality of

My bad Thought you were responding to the main topic not the NY/CA compliant stock. Oddly enough, they’re actually surprisingly comfortable, it’s about the same angle as a regular monte-carlo stock or even the ARES SCR (something I’ve been wanting to get for myself despite living in a free state just because it looks

please note, slidefire and bumpfire stocks were reviewed by the ATF under Eric “gunwalking” holder’s DOJ Twice during the Obama administration and they decided they were legal, twice.

You draft the legislation so that it gives the ATF rule making authority to create regulations in the CFR that have the force of law to achieve the stated policy goals of the bill.

it is. Honestly bumpfire and slidefire stocks are a pain in the ass to properly use.

So we’re going to regulate finger speed next?.... Seriously have you seen speed shooting competitions? There are people that can actuate a trigger as fast as full autos ya’know.

“any firearm or any aftermarket modification to a pre-existing firearm that can fire a bullet or other intended projectile at a rate of more than once per method of activation (i.e. - “trigger pull”)

I hate to be “that guy”, but now that I’ve had a chance to watch all the videos from the shooting... I’m inclined to agree with some of the conspiricy theorists.

something seems fishy. My experience with slidefire and bumpfire stocks are that “it’s not as easy as it seems” to make continuouss fire like that, nor is it

Not really, the unnoficial reason they changed them is because players had figured out how to solo thargoids.

The problem is not that they gave the Thargoids a defensive buff. The problem is that Fdev actually made the AX missiles weaker.

I’ll be honest... I was only glancing through stuff, and caught the header image and my mind translated the out of focus sunshade into it looking like a dragon... and then my mind immediately filled in the unread information into “ok so someone’s kneeling to daenerys stormborn in the next seaso.....wait why is GOT

TIL Rolls Royce has a paint catalogue and fancy lamp to simulate various locales and weather....That’s actually kinda neat. Kinda with other manufacturers did this.

Precisely my point.

or maybe not taking everything written on 4chan, especially /pol/ to be gilded in gold and truth from the heavens?

True.... but think of the reaction images that could be made from that scene alone.

I vaugely recall a mention of the horn of winter during the whole shennaniganry with Jon off with the wildings.

It’s easier to just pretend that the night king blew the horn of winter and that the whole viserion thing was just a collective fever dream.