
Wait... pewdipie is racist now? Da’fuck?

..... Are you fucking kidding me?

kek is an alternate form of lol. Are you really telling me that because of dirtbags on the internet I can’t laugh as an orc anymore?

Reporting in from California on the east side of the sierras, was getting groceries, and by the time I left the store the fuel price at the Vons gas had jumped from 2.97, to 3.17

Which I find fucking hillarious. California doesn’t even get it’s fuel from the mainland US, it’s specially shipped in from out of country

Real life. Went and climbed and hiked on top of a “pile” of obsidian larger than most football stadiums.

Before we start going and gathering a hate mob to tar and feather a reporter can we at least find out if the folks looting were taking necessities like water and food, or were they liberating tvs?

That’s actually different there. That’s corporate directive giving the ok to pass out goods for those in need.

Gooooood, gooood. Let the butthurt flow through you..... Except the dodge charger guy. He’s absolutely correct and deserves a fucking medal for that game of phone tag.

Dammit now I’m thinking of my half finished screenplay for an as yet untitled Predator Film where a team of predators lands in the american southwest to recover a missing comrade only to get slowly picked off by graboids (revealed when one surfaces and gets stuck on a landing strut of the second predator craft)


Basically, imagine landing on a planet filled with killer death worms.

Neat callback but northing too out of the ordi-

gotta get me some Pack-Hound racks, just so I can go all Macross on somebody.

Eh, part of it is I like to be able to see whoever interdicted me explode. That and I’m using pack hounds a lot now that I can use them and it’s actually changed up my combat style quite a bit.

Thanks. Now that I took her out and did my run... yeah nah, back into storage she goes and out comes the Big Iron (python, pictured below). I forgot just how “un nimble” the anaconda is.

Honestly considering selling the Vakarian, with how I’ve got the Big Iron kitted out it’s nimble enough and got enough teeth that I

Now that I’ve reminded myself of the drawbacks of the anaconda today, I cannot recommend the python enough, though I have heard that the Federal Corevette is very nice (can’t speak to that as I haven’t bought one yet as I don’t have the rebuy funds.)

type 6 is basically a flying brick. Swap back to the cobra that way

Elite dangerous, currently hauling materials for Li Yong Rui’s Empire of Discounts to fortify control systems against undermining.

Pictured below: The Vakarian, named as such because she has been carefully calibrated for combat deliveries.

There are plenty of nukes to not just hit military targets.

Tell me, do you really think reconstruction would have ended had it continued?

Why? The effects of reconstruction are still being felt today. The way reconstruction was implemented couldn’t have been planned better if the intent was to destroy the economic capabilities of the secessionist states and it was done so thoroughly that they’re for the most part economically depressed shitholes 140

Soooo..... what or who was the monument to? I mean, there’s a big difference between a monument comemerating the fact that “on x date, 200 someodd soldiers were shot dead here” and something proclaiming “the south shall rise again”.... which I’m fairly certain none of them actually do.

Also we need to stop fucking

I do not think that means what you think it means. I’m considered fringe because I love guns, protecting the outdoors within reason, alowing for the sustainable use of the resources we have on this planet and want to be left the fuck alone, and even I think these kinds of people are massive jackwagons and are on the